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Improving display of unmerged commits

Improving display of unmerged commits

The purpose of the unmerged function is to show only unmerged commits from all branches. Lets take a look at the output, and then delve into the code.


unmerged output

When the function is run from inside a repo it will return

  • the number of unmerged commits
  • how long ago the last commit was
  • the commit message of the last commit
  • the name of its branch

unmerged output

When the function is run from outside a repo it will check for repos in the current directory, and return the name of the repo and the same information as in the previous instance, but limited to the last two unmerged commits per repo.


Lets take a look at the code. We'll look at the main unmerged function initially, and then the two helper functions it uses.


unmerged () { # List unmerged commits # ➜ unmerged 5
  if [ ! -d .git ]; then
  local default=$(_default_branch)
  [[ $1 ]] && no=$1 || no=500 # List most recent unmerged commit in each branch
  for branch in $(git branch --sort=-authordate | tr -d "* " | grep -v "^$default$"); do
    if [ -n "$(git log $default..$branch)" ]; then
      no=$(git rev-list --count $default..$branch)
      date=$(git log -1 $branch --pretty=format:"%ar" --no-walk)
      message=$(git log -1 $branch --pretty=format:"%s" --no-walk)
      printf "$no $date $message $branch\n"
  done | head -$no | awk '{first = $1; date = $2 " " $3 " " $4; last = $NF; message = substr($0, length($1 $2 $3 $4) + 5, length($0) - length($1 $2 $3 $4 $NF) - 5); printf "\033[0;32m%-3s \033[1;0m%-15s \033[0;32m%-52s \033[0;36m%s\n", first, date, message, last}'
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Lets break down the above function step by step.

if [ ! -d .git ]
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If the current directory is not a git repository (i.e., it doesn't have a .git directory), it calls the helper function _unmerged_commits_across_repos and then exits.

local default=$(_default_branch)
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This calls the helper function _default_branch to determine the default branch of the repository.

[[ -n $1 ]] && no=$1 || no=500
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If the function is called with an argument (e.g., unmerged 10), it will use that number to limit the number of branches displayed. If not, it defaults to showing 500 branches, effectively showing all unmerged branches

for branch in $(git branch --sort=-authordate | tr -d "* " | grep -v "^$default$")
  if [ -n "$(git log $default..$branch)" ]
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This loop goes through each branch in the repository, sorted by the author date in descending order. It excludes the default branch, and checks if there are any commits in the branch that are not in the default branch.

if [ -n "$(git log $default..$branch)" ]
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This checks if there are any commits in the branch that are not in the default branch.

no=$(git rev-list --count $default..$branch)
date=$(git log -1 $branch --pretty=format:"%ar" --no-walk)
message=$(git log -1 $branch --pretty=format:"%s" --no-walk)
printf "$no $date $message $branch\n"
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This prints the number of unmerged commits, the date of the last commit, its message, and the branch name. The awk command at the end of the function is used to format the output and add some color to it. The output will show the number of unmerged commits in green, the date in default color, the commit message in green, and the branch name in cyan.


_unmerged_commits_across_repos () {
  for i in */; do
    if [ -d "$i".git ]; then
        cd "$i"
        local output=$(unmerged 2)
        if [[ -n "$output" ]]; then
          local repo_name=$(basename $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel))
          echo '\e[36m'$repo_name
          echo "----------------"
          echo $output
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Lets break down the above function step by step.

for i in */
  if [ -d "$i".git ]
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This loop iterates over all directories in the current directory.

  cd "$i"
  local output=$(unmerged 2)
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The code inside the parentheses runs in a subshell, which means it won't affect the current shell's environment. The script changes to the directory $i and then calls the unmerged to check for the 2 most recent unmerged commits.

if [[ -n "$output" ]]; then
  local repo_name=$(basename $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel))
  echo '\e[36m'$repo_name
  echo "----------------"
  echo $output
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If the unmerged function returns any output (indicating there are unmerged commits), the script gets the name of the repository using git rev-parse --show-toplevel and then prints the repository name in cyan, followed by a separator, and the output from the unmerged function.


_default_branch () {
  if [ ! -f .git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD ]; then
    local branch="main"
    local branch=$(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | sed 's@^refs/remotes/origin/@@')
   echo $branch
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This function determines the default branch of the repository. It checks if the file .git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD exists. If it does, it uses the contents of that file to determine the default branch. If not, it defaults to main.

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