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Alternatives to Wordpress

I've had an idea for building a site for a while and my initial thought was thatI would use Wordpress to build it, however given I know nothing about PHP I've decided against this. Ideally I'd like to be able to write the pages in markdown and style them accordingly.

What would you say are reasonable alternatives? Perhaps Gatsby + NetlifyCMS or Gridsome or Nuxt...

I currently have simple site setup with Gatsby/Forestry and my personal site is Gridsome/netlifyCMS so I've a bit of experience using/setting up those although I know more about Vue than I do React.

Anyone with experience of similar have any thoughts or suggestions?

Top comments (3)

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

Nuxt has opinionated folder structure, that may make your life easier later on, though I cannot get perfect score.

A while ago, someone recommended Next.js, which is as opinionated as Nuxt, yet more barebone than Gatsby. If you want performance first, I think either Gatsby or Next is the way to go.

As for CMS, I use a folder in Git, with no real CMS; but if you need an opinionated folder structure, I might recommend Jekyll style, one folder for every markdown. I personally use a different folder structure, though. -- /_y/_mo/slug.

Nuxt also has a relatively new plugin, @nuxt/content, you might try it out.

cguttweb profile image

Thanks for the feedback I've only dabbled with Nuxt and Gatsby but I'm looking to learn a bit more about both. @nuxt/content does look interesting I'll take a further look at that.

vuelancer profile image

One of the thing I came across is Stackbit-instant blog maker for example!