Adam was out when Bryan made his podcast debut here on The Changelog, so we had to get him back on the show along with his co-founder and CEO Steve Tuck to discuss Silicon Valley (the TV show), all things Oxide, homelab possibilities, bringing the power of the cloud on prem, and more.
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- Typesense – Lightning fast, globally distributed Search-as-a-Service that runs in memory. You iterlly can’t get any faster!
- Bryan Cantrill – Twitter, GitHub, Website
- Steve Tuck – Twitter, LinkedIn
- Jerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn
- Adam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website
Show Notes:
- Crate tui
- On the Metal with Jeff Rothschild
- Oxide specs
- The Changelog #496: Oxide builds servers (as they should be)
Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
(00:00) - Let's talk!
(00:38) - Is this Oxide & Friends?
(01:12) - Last time we talked...
(02:39) - Silicon Valley
(11:12) - Oxide sold a box
(13:54) - Awesome design
(16:55) - Oxide's heist team
(17:39) - Is this your rack?
(18:20) - Homelab Oxide edition
(19:33) - Oxide's enthusiast audience
(23:34) - Would you consider "The Homecloud"
(24:29) - Throw us a bone
(25:58) - Give me a simplified Oxide rack
(28:02) - Know what you're saying no to
(29:53) - Far into the future
(31:03) - The 2050 roadmap
(38:59) - What's wrong with the switch?
(41:15) - How different is an Oxide rack?
(43:34) - Powered and provisioned same day
(47:43) - Take the Homelab out of the DC
(49:38) - The first boot
(51:59) - Customer demos
(54:53) - Back to the bootup
(59:36) - How did you know?
(1:13:11) - On-site with a customer
(1:13:50) - On prem vs cloud
(1:18:50) - Where's the secret?
(1:22:12) - We all pod? Nah...
(1:35:21) - Bye friends!
(1:36:20) - Wrapping up