This week we’re joined by Solomon Hykes, the creator of Docker. Now he’s back with his next big thing called Dagger — CI/CD as code that runs anywhere. We’re users of Dagger so check out our codebase if you want to see how it works. On today’s show Solomon takes us back to the days of Docker, what it was like on that 10 year journey, his transition from Docker to Dagger, Dagger’s community-led growth model, their focus on open source and community, how it works, and even a cameo from Kelsey Hightower to explain how Dagger works.
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- Square – Develop on the platform that sellers trust. There is a massive opportunity for developers to support Square sellers by building apps for today’s business needs. Learn more at to dive into the docs, APIs, SDKs and to create your Square Developer account — tell them Changelog sent you.
- Passbolt – It’s time for a new password manager. Read why
- Fastly – Our bandwidth partner. Fastly powers fast, secure, and scalable digital experiences. Move beyond your content delivery network to their powerful edge cloud platform. Learn more at
- – The home of — Deploy your apps and databases close to your users. In minutes you can run your Ruby, Go, Node, Deno, Python, or Elixir app (and databases!) all over the world. No ops required. Learn more at and check out the speedrun in their docs.
- Solomon Hykes – Twitter, GitHub
- Adam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website
- Jerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn
Show Notes:
- Changelog & Friends #6: Even the best rides come to an end
- Ship It! #48: Launching Dagger
Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
(00:00) - This week on The Changelog
(01:21) - Sponsor: Square
(04:16) - Start the show!
(05:26) - The last time we talked...
(07:04) - 10 year journey
(14:31) - Simultaneous invention
(17:41) - So, what is is Dagger?
(19:20) - What were you running from?
(23:32) - What pulled you to this?
(31:39) - Sponsor: Passbolt
(32:45) - Was it a fail?
(37:37) - Dagg 101
(46:57) - Kelsey and I go way back...
(52:03) - The manufacturing problem
(58:02) - Kelsey explains Dagger
(1:01:03) - Connecting the two analogies
(1:02:23) - Daggerizing an example
(1:08:04) - Ideal community member?
(1:15:58) - Does Dagger require Dagger?
(1:18:27) - Does prod require your control plane?
(1:19:05) - Are we using the control plane?
(1:22:00) - Downfall of Docker model v1
(1:25:33) - Exciting times
(1:27:11) - Dagger is hiring!
(1:28:59) - What the heck is this thing?
(1:30:41) - Read the docs
(1:31:29) - Solomon will be back in 6 months
(1:31:47) - Up next...