Long time friend KBall makes his “first” appearance on The Changelog by way of Changelog & Friends. You likely know Kevin from his panelist position on JS Party. Today he’s sharing his passion for coaching and developing human skills.
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- .Tech Domains – They’re giving selected startups guest spots on the biggest podcasts, conferences, and billboards in the tech game. Apply at startups.tech/changelog
- Neo4j – NODES 2023 is coming in October!
- Fastly – Our bandwidth partner. Fastly powers fast, secure, and scalable digital experiences. Move beyond your content delivery network to their powerful edge cloud platform. Learn more at fastly.com
- Fly.io – The home of Changelog.com — Deploy your apps and databases close to your users. In minutes you can run your Ruby, Go, Node, Deno, Python, or Elixir app (and databases!) all over the world. No ops required. Learn more at fly.io/changelog and check out the speedrun in their docs.
- Kevin Ball – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website
- Jerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn
- Adam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website
Show Notes:
Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!