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Learning from the top 10 mistakes developers make

Charanraj on May 18, 2017

I present to you a list of a few common mistakes new devs (and sometimes even experienced) usually do. I believe that learning from these mistakes ...
josegonz321 profile image
Jose Gonzalez • Edited

Very good points. Two stand out most for me.

On #3. Burnout is real. It's a horrible place to be in. Work hard for yourself (your brand/company/side project), not for a company or employer. BTW, there is more to life (and being a developer) than just writing code.

On #1. This has been my biggest mistake. And I see it happening too often with young and veteran devs. We get religious and tend to believe our language, library, framework, OS rocks and everything else sucks. We lie to ourselves because we are afraid. We are awesomesauce here, and we are noobsauce over there.


  • If you're into JS, look into a "backend" language (e.g. C#, Python, etc.)
  • If you're Angular, look into React, Vue.js or something that's not as popular.
  • If you're OO dev, look into FP. No, seriously do it. For example, I've done C# for over 10 years. Today, I'm looking into F#, Elm, and (some) Elixir. My mindset has totally changed. I may not get paid to program in F# but my C# is definitely improving.


  • Burnout is real. Work hard for yourself only.
  • Get out of your current comfort zone. Stop being religious about any "tech stack", library, etc.
nice2meatu profile image
Marco Hengstenberg

11.: If you get 2 months to get a project done, don't rush off and start coding immediately. Take some time, a few days, a week or some more to think through what you are going to build, do some research, write down ideas and start to work out some strategy/plan – and only then, you may start coding.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

This is all incredibly valuable advice. Thanks a lot for the contribution Charanraj! 🙌

charanrajgolla profile image

Hope more people find it helpful. Looking forward to writing better articles 🙌

rajaasyraf profile image
Raja Asyraf

Couldn't agree more with these. Great advise, thanks!

charanrajgolla profile image

Happy that you liked it. Hoping to write better and more helpful posts.

josesmachava profile image
MR. Compiler

Great advices 1st one is the best of all in my opinion.

cadellsinghh_25 profile image

This is a great list, I throughly enjoyed reading it.

Much thanks!

pablotrianda profile image
Pablo Triandafilide

Thanks for sharing 👍

games_rsa profile image
RSA Games

I have published my points based on the same niche as here,
Please comment your thoughts.

subbramanil profile image
Subbu Lakshmanan

Great article Charanraj. Burn outs!! Avoid it all costs. It tolls your body as well as mind.

evangelistaagil profile image
Marcelo Faundez

Thanks 4 share. at last advice i will add when the developer wants test new technology in every project

charanrajgolla profile image

Experimenting is good but first, try doing some sample projects to get good hands on. One should not directly jump into using it with very little knowledge. You might run into issues and delay the project.

xiaohuoni profile image

Live and learn.

krishselvaraj profile image

Nice article...

samxeshun profile image
Kwaku Eshun

This is absolutely incredible advice. Hard coded time bomb really hit close to home because it’s happened to me so many times. 😆