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My Android Learning Journey: Day 1

After thinking about this for a really long time (10 minutes), I decided to publicly share my journey of learning Android!

I've been jumping around technologies for quite a while now. Although I understand all of them, I'm still searching for the infinity stone of confidence to build something. But for now, I've resolved I'll stick to Android.

So, I've created this friend group to learn Android together. This isn't the first time I've tried to create a friends group to learn something together but none lasted more than a few weeks. With all I've learned from those groups, I hope to keep this one alive until we achieve our goal, if not forever.

And, for today's progress, I started with the course Android Basics with Compose. The course is divided into 8 units. Each unit is further divided into several pathways

I completed the first pathway of the first unit which has 3 pathways in it. It's called Introduction to Kotlin. It started off with a video of the course team greeting and an overview of the course.

Having practiced so many programming languages, Kotlin didn't seem any new. If you have experience with any other programming language, it would definitely come in quite handy. And, even if you don't have any experience, it wouldn't be so tough to learn it. Thanks to the super-detailed explanation from the course team, they explained everything in clear detail with visualizations that you'd usually see on basic programming courses.

They also included coding challenges which you'll have to copy and paste into the Kotlin Playground and run to see the output. I just wish they could've just integrated it into the lessons where it could also run test cases like other platforms. But that isn't really a deal breaker for me as long as it's free 😁.

The pathway ended with a video and a quiz, after which you'll receive a cool-looking badge. Here's mine for the day:
Introduction to programming in Kotlin

Visit it here

Are you an Android Developer? or are you on the journey to becoming one? I'd really love to know about your experience, learning journey, and your thoughts. Drop them in the comments and let's talk!

That's all for today.
Sigh, in the age where everyone's using AI to write their posts, I spent 20 minutes writing this one.

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