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Aditya Patel
Aditya Patel

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Have a crystal clear understanding about a Blockchain

Q1- What is blockchain composed of?

A1- A block is composed of a header of information about the block and a set of valid transactions.

Q2- What does UTXO stand for?

A2- Unspent Transaction Output.

Q3- Miners are computers that execute?

A3- Miners are powerful computer executing software defined by the Blockchain protocol.

Q4- A transaction generates new UTXOs for transferring the amount specified in the input UTXOs. True or False?

A4- True. The transaction uses the amount specified by one or more input UTXOs and transfers it to one or more newly created output UTXOs.

Q5- The algorithm for consensus in the Bitcoin blockchain is called _____ protocol.?

A5- Proof of Work (POW)
It gets its name because it involves “work” or computational power to solve the puzzle and to claim the right to form the next block.

Q6- Transaction confirmation is independently performed by all miner nodes. True or False?

A6- True
Miners, take on added work or computation to verify transactions, broadcast transactions, compete to claim the right to create a block, work on reaching consensus by validating the block, broadcasting the newly created block and confirming transactions.

Q7- Transaction 0 in every block in the bitcoin blockchain ____

A7- a) is for paying the miner fees
b)is called the coinbase transaction
c)does not have any input UTXO.
All are correct.

Q8 - What allows for the execution of code in the Ethereum Blockchain, while enhancing the basic value transfer capability of the Bitcoin Blockchain?

A8- Smart Contracts

Q9- Solidity has data, functions or methods with modifiers, along with getter and setter functions. True or False?

A9- True

Q10- How many types of accounts are on Ethereum?

A10- Two types of accounts. Externally Owned Accounts (EOA) and Contract Accounts.

Q11- The _____ can send transactions for ether transfer or they can send transactions to invoke a smart contract code.

A11- accounts(address)

Q12- What is the smallest denomination of cryptocurrency on Ethereum?

A12- Wei

Q13- ____ hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining, block creation, and smart contract execution.

A13- Ethereum full node

Q14- _____ receive, verify, gather and execute transactions.

A14- Miner nodes

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