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Chendur Murugan S
Chendur Murugan S

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Testing Techniques with examples

  • Boundary Value Analysis:
  1. This is a testing technique which organisations use by evaluating data based on its boundary values or opposite ends(i.e minimums and maximums)

  2. This helps to check software errors more efficiently and developers use this to analyse behaviour of a software program and examine its functionality.

  3. Instead of focusing on only on centre of the data it helps to detect errors which occurs in boundary values of valid or invalid partitions.

  • Significance:
  • It reduces the test execution time
  • Possible to automate
  • It offers more control over test cases

  • Example:
    An user needs to create an password of 4 digit number. So the boundary will be 0000 to 9999. Boundary Value testing ensures any value above 9999 is invalid and below it is valid.

  • Decision Table Testing:
    This is a systematic approach that allows testers to evaluate various combination of inputs and conditions to ensure comprehensive test coverage at complex business setup.

  • Benefits:

  • Comprehensive test coverage

  • Efficient test design

  • Reducing redundant test cases

  • Traceability of testcases


Consider a loan approval system to determine a customer is eligible for a loan based on credit score, income, loan amount. A decision table is created with conditions as low, medium, high and loan approval is based on the score made using conditions we get from evaluating credit score, income, loan amount etc

  • Use case testing:
  • This is a black box functional testing used to identify test cases from the beginning to the end as per usage.
  • We can create a test scenario that can test the entire function from start to end.
  • It explains the testers how the end user uses the software at their business.


  1. It helps to identify the functional need of the system.
  2. It connects the need of end user to tester
  3. Complete analysis of the test cases and and detailed focus on each segment of the test cases at a time.


  1. Food delivery app - here the user uses it to search the restaurant to search for the hotels and food and placing the order and does the payment after food reaches his premises. Use cases are created for each step of a process in the software.
  • LCSAJ Testing:
  • LSCAJ stands for Linear Code Sequence and Jump. It is type of white testing.
  • It is used to determine the code coverage under test. It begins at the start of the program and ends at the end of the program.
  • It is a kind of segment of code, executed in the linear sequence and followed by the control flow jump.

  • It has three items

  • Start of the segment involving executable statements in the linear sequence

  • End of Path

  • Target line to which the control flow is transferred after the end of the sequence.


  1. In the process of dynamic analysis testing of software application to find out the quality of the testing to be performed.
  2. It is a test design technique, which is used to design and create test cases, effective in the executing the Linear Code Sequence and Jump in the program.

Age eligibility check for TNPSC Examination:

Program checks whether user age is under limit or not for applying TNPSC Exam.

Age = int(input())

if (Age<32):
print ("You can apply")
print ("Sorry can't apply")

This program gives permissin to apply if the input value is under the limit and vice versa.

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