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Chendur Murugan S
Chendur Murugan S

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What is Manual Testing? What are the benefits and drawbacks of Manual testing? Give examples in support of your answer.

Manual Testing:

  • Manual Testing is a software testing process in which test cases are executed manually without using any automated tool.

  • All test cases are executed by the tester manually according to the end user's perspective.

  • It ensures whether the application is working, as mentioned in the requirement document or not.

  • Manual testing is one of the most fundamental testing processes as it can find both visible and hidden defects of the software.

  • The difference between expected output and output, given by the software, is defined as a defect.

  • Manual testing is mandatory for every newly developed software before automated testing. This testing requires great efforts and time, but it gives the surety of bug-free software.

Advantages of Manual Testing

  • It doesn't require programming knowledge while using blackbox method.

  • It is used to test dynamically changing GUI designs.

  • Tester interacts with software as a real user so that they are able to discover usability and user interface issues.

  • It ensures that the software is a hundred percent bug free.

  • It is cost effective.

  • Easy to learn for new testers.

Disadvantages of Manual Testing

  • It requires a large number of human resources.

  • It is very time consuming.

  • Tester develops test cases based on their skills and experience. There is no evidence that they have covered all functions or not.

  • Test cases cannot be used again. Need to develop separate test cases for each new software.

  • It does not provide testing on all aspects of testing.

  • Since two teams work together, sometimes it is difficult to understand each other's motives, it can mislead the process.

Examples of Manual Testing
1) Manual Insurance Application Testing

Testers examines the policy creation functionality, ensuring that a new policy can be successfully created with accurate information and stored in the correct system.

  • Log in to the insurance application with valid credentials.

  • Navigate to the policy creation section

  • Enter the required policy details, such as policy type, insured party information, coverage details, and premium amount.

  • Provide valid and appropriate inputs for each field, ensuring data accuracy.

  • Save the policy.

Expected Result

  • The policy should be created successfully and a confirmation message or notification should be displayed.

  • The created policy should have accurate and consistent information as provided during the policy creation process.

  • The new policy is stored and accessible in the insurance application for further processing and management.

  • The right information is presented in the frontend and backend.

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