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Franco Cerutti
Franco Cerutti

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Onion Architecture in AWS Lambdas with TypeScript: A Practical Guide with Tradeoffs


In the realm of software development, the Onion Architecture, also known as the Ports and Adapters pattern, has emerged as a popular design approach for building modular, maintainable, and testable applications. This architectural style encapsulates core business logic within a distinct layer, shielding it from external dependencies and facilitating seamless integration with various external adapters.

AWS Lambda, a serverless computing service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), provides a compelling platform for deploying event-driven applications. However, effectively implementing the Onion Architecture within Lambda functions can introduce certain tradeoffs that warrant careful consideration.

This essay delves into the intricacies of applying Onion Architecture in AWS Lambdas using TypeScript, highlighting the associated benefits and drawbacks. It aims to equip developers with a comprehensive understanding of this architectural approach and its practical implications within the serverless context.

Embracing Onion Architecture in AWS Lambdas with TypeScript

The Onion Architecture, when applied to AWS Lambdas using TypeScript, offers several advantages:

Encapsulation and Modularity

The core business logic, encapsulated within the inner layers of the onion, remains shielded from external dependencies, promoting modularity and reusability of code components.


By isolating the business logic, unit testing becomes more straightforward, as test cases can focus on the core functionality without the distractions of external dependencies.


The outer layers, responsible for interacting with external systems, can be easily adapted to accommodate different technologies and frameworks, enhancing the application's flexibility.

To implement Onion Architecture in AWS Lambdas with TypeScript, consider the following steps:

Define Core Domain Layer

Create a TypeScript module to house the core domain entities, value objects, and business rules. This layer is the heart of the application and should be independent of any external dependencies.

Establish Application Layer

Implement the application layer, responsible for orchestrating the core domain logic. This layer interacts with the core domain through interfaces and abstracts away the underlying implementation details.

Design Infrastructure Layer

Encapsulate the interaction with external systems, such as databases, APIs, or messaging queues, within the infrastructure layer. This layer utilizes the application layer's interfaces to communicate with the core domain.

Tradeoffs of Onion Architecture in AWS Lambdas

While the Onion Architecture offers significant benefits, it also introduces certain tradeoffs:

Increased Complexity

The layered structure adds complexity to the codebase, potentially increasing the learning curve for new developers.

Careful Dependency Management

Managing dependencies between layers requires careful planning to avoid circular dependencies and ensure proper initialization.

Code Examples

To illustrate the implementation of Onion Architecture in AWS Lambdas with TypeScript, consider the following code snippets:

Domain Layer

interface IUser {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;

class User implements IUser {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;

  constructor(id: string, name: string, email: string) { = id; = name; = email;
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Application Layer

class UserService {
  private readonly userRepository: IUserRepository;

  constructor(userRepository: IUserRepository) {
    this.userRepository = userRepository;

  async getUser(userId: string): Promise<User> {
    const userData = await this.userRepository.getUserById(userId);
    return new User(,,;
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Infrastructure Layer

class UserRepositoryImpl implements IUserRepository {
  async getUserById(userId: string): Promise<UserData> {
    // Implement database interaction to fetch user data
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Onion Architecture, when implemented effectively, can significantly enhance the modularity, testability, and adaptability of AWS Lambda applications. However, it is crucial to carefully consider the potential tradeoffs, such as increased complexity and performance overhead, before adopting this architectural approach.

TypeScript provides a powerful type system that can effectively support the implementation of Onion Architecture, ensuring type safety and reducing the risk of runtime errors. By leveraging TypeScript's capabilities, developers can confidently apply Onion Architecture to build robust and maintainable serverless applications on AWS Lambda.

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