A small request
I'm trying to reach 1K GitHub stars for "Bose" - an open source bot development framework I just launched for easily c...
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Saved. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks it means a lot to Me.
What are some of the resources you'll recommend for learning all these?
Which Technologies you are interested to learn?
Next.js, Django, Docker & kubernetes and GitHub actions
Django: Mosh Hamedani Django Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHux0gMZ3Eg&pp=ygUMZGphbmdvIG1vc2gg [Paid]
Docker: Mosh Hamedani Docker Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTFZFxd4hOI&pp=ygUMZG9ja2VyIG1vc2gg [Paid]
Next.js: Docs nextjs.org/learn/foundations/about... [Free]
GitHub Actions: It is just YAML Manifest. Read many YAMLs written by people at https://github.com/search?q=path%3A.github%2Fworkflows+language%3AYAML&type=Code&ref=advsearch&l=YAML and you are good to go. [Free]
Thanks, Chetanam! Followed you!
This deserved more read time and engagement, thanks for such great article
Great post, though i have some suggestions to improve the section where you deploy in the github actions, as the current version would imply having downtime and not a rolling update , to improve i would go for either a
kubectl set image deployment/<your-deployment> --image=IMAGE:tag
or just remote thekubectl delete deployment backend-depl || true
from the deploy version as kubernetes would handle removing the old replicaset when it sees that image has changed from theupdate images
step in the new applied yamlThanks for sharing the whole stack, we rarely see that π
You show a letsencrypt certificate without the cert-manager installation, if I'm not mistaken.
At the end, you should not define your work as 'brilliant', self-kissing can gives
a bad impression. And even if it is not the case, it is subjective, it does not give any useful information : of course you won't say it is bad π
I appreciate your thoughts.
Also, we are using cert-manager for SSL Certificates.
cool, i might try it in my freetime! Thanks
very detailed guide, though there are many errors one can face while actually deploying
Have you faced some?