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Chidi E. Egwu
Chidi E. Egwu

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Open Source Security: A Critical Aspect of Software Implementation

It is easy to regard open source as the next best thing since the invention of the internet because it is free to use and modify. Regrettably, the freedom gained may come at a high cost.
One major question that every developer or user should ask rhetorically is, "Who is responsible for the security of the open-source script or package you are about to use?" A question that a lot of people take too lightly.
Open source security refers to a methodology or procedure structured to give the user the ability to
thoroughly understand and interact with the codes being implemented. This process might be automated or conducted with direct supervision, but users should always be aware of the license restrictions that come with this kind of implementation. Encryption, security orchestration, and secure software update are examples of open source security approaches designed towards creating codes that will make it almost impossible to alter the expected outcome at the point of implementation and usage.

What is Open Source?

The term "open source" refers to projects that allow for the modification and redistribution of their core components or technology, though such redistribution or modification may be hampered or restricted by the type of license that serves as the project's foundation.

What Risk Comes with Open Source?

There is nothing new about implementing open source scripts or plugins into applications created, but the level of risk involved can be mitigated by considering the following statements:

  • All codes are written with varying degrees of competence and structure depending on the engineer’s skill level.
  • Some open source projects rely on other open source projects not directly under their control.
  • Vulnerabilities are usually made public before the developers get to know about them.
  • A lot of open source projects are self-funded and updates are made at the easiest convenience of the developer.
  • No properly drawn-out development pathway.

Is Implementing Open Source Tools Worth It?

Yes, it is.
We won’t leave a let a few bad eggs spoil the good jobs a lot of plugins and scripts are doing in the developer's sphere. Without the use of open source tools, it may be impossible to complete real work in many technological fields. The field of data science, for example, is heavily reliant on open source
While every good has a drawback, many security flaws in open source technologies can be addressed
if developers maintain regular updates and make time to contribute their fair share to the success of the tools they use.
While it is difficult to conclude that the benefit of open source technology outweighs the risk, no guarantee restricting an application's source code will provide better security than its open source counterpart.

Here are some of the benefits of open source technology:

• Reduces the overhead cost that comes with code ownership.
• Freedom and flexibility to make improvements and changes.
• Opportunity to interact with the best minds in the field.
• A large audience of code testers.

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