Sometimes when you are working as a developer you will have to work on multiple projects or fix up a bug in a old project. All these projects will not have the same node.js version. Then you had to re-install node.js according to the project. This will be a hassle when you had to switch between node.js versions multiple times.
nvm is a version manager for node.js, designed to be installed per-user. nvm works on these platforms: unix, macOS, and windows WSL.
Getting Started
First we have to download and install nvm-windows.
Check nvm version
nvm --version
List locally installed versions
nvm ls
Install specific version
nvm install v18.12.1
Uninstall specific version
nvm uninstall 14.17.6
Use specific version
nvm use 18.12.1
Using these commands we can easily navigate across multiple node.js versions
Happy Coding π
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