Sprint 3 — Monday

All project teams pass through predictable emotional stages!
When starting out your excitement will take you to the peak of inflated expectations, from where you’ll drop into the trough of despair where you begin to realize the amount of work that must be performed and the complexity of your workload sets in.
Don’t be discouraged!
- All project teams go through this same stages
- This is where the team should come together around challenges to support one another.
- Break problems down into small actionable tasks , prioritize them, and work on them one at a time.
- Communicate honestly and frequently with your team. Problems can be made worse by misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions between team members.
This is where your teams Agile process will help to ensure that you focus on the right tasks. Watch out for over analyzing issues you encounter. It’s more important to deliver a working MVP than a perfect design.
It’s okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them! Fail Forward!
Before you Go!
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