Sprint 2 — Thursday

By now you know that the success of your team depends on daily communication and collaboration.
But, it’s important not just to communication about your project, but also to get to know your teammates on a more personal level. To make a connection with one another so you can understand their goals, constraints, strengths, and weaknesses.
Understanding your teammates as the unique individuals they are helps the team to come together and bond around your goals.
How to make your voice be heard?
But it’s also important to think about not just what you are communicating, but how you are communicating. As humans we typically fall into two broad categories — introverts & extroverts.
Extroverts are more socially at ease and outgoing around others, while introverts find social settings involving groups unsettling. As a result extroverts tend to speak more while introverts tend to speak less in meetings.
It’s important to understand these types of traits in ourselves and our teammates to make sure that everyones ideas & opinions are being heard.
Extroverts… make sure you aren’t dominating conversations at the expense of others on your team. Go the “extra mile” and ask others what they think. Help to ensure that every voice is heard.
Introverts… step out of your comfort zone and make sure you are heard. As difficult as it may be to express your thoughts and feelings in team meetings, your thoughts and opinions are important and you deserve to be heard.
Chingu strives to create an environment where feedback is both friendly and frank. We want everyone to be heard, but it takes work on the part of all of us. For “extra credit” check out this as a tool to learn more about yourself…
Before you Go!
Chingu helps you to get out of “Tutorial Purgatory” by transforming what you’ve learned into experience. The experience to boost your Developer career and help you get jobs.
You can learn more about Chingu & how to join us at https://chingu.io
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