Sprint 5 — Wednesday

Conflicts that come up within a team are usually thought of as being the result of either a disagreement on a decision or direction, a misunderstanding, or both.
But if we explore deeper the real source of serious conflict isn’t from either of these. It comes from how we interact with our teammates and from how we view disagreements.
Resolving disagreements aren’t zero sum games where there is a winner and a loser. The goal should be to find an equitable resolution where everyone’s argument is heard and fairly evaluated. This leads to a “win-win” result even everyone doesn’t get what they want.
Disagreements don’t have to be Zero Sum games
But even more important is how we treat each other even if we don’t always agree. The best resolutions are always the result of treating one another with respect, listening, and focusing on finding the best resolution for the team and the project rather than the resolution that feeds our ego.
Discussions should be frank and honest, but also respectful — we should all show charity to one another. We may think we know what’s best, but we won’t really know if we aren’t listening to opposing viewpoints and the motivation behind them. This doesn’t mean you have to give up your principles. Only that you give others the opportunity to express their opinions and to be heard.
Finally, keep in mind that no one will die from an incorrect decision in a most projects. The impact of any decision is you and your team will learn something valuable.
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