Sprint 1 — Wednesday

Sharing is Caring
The hardest part of a remote project is understanding what everyone on the team is working on at any point in time.
It’s important due to the dependencies between the components different teammates are working on. Lack of information can result in these components not working as expected when they are brought together in the development
So, what is the solution?
- Use your team channel to ask questions and report issues.
- Monitor your team channel daily so you don’t miss updates from your team mates. Even better, see if there’s a time of the day where all team members can be available, even if it is only for a few minutes, to chat.
- Post your status at least every other day in the form of a text-based standup using this Markdown template:
**__My mood today__**: Use the emoji of your choice
**__Tasks I’m Working On__**:
- Task #1 + expected completion
- Task #2 + expected completion
- …
**__Tasks I’ll Be Working On Next__**
- Task #1
- Task #2
- …
**__I Need Help With__**:
- Question/Issue #1 — short description & what help do you need?
- Question/Issue #2 — short description & what help do you need?
- …
Remember that reaching your team goal is more about coordination and communication than it is about technology!
Before you Go!
Chingu helps you to get out of “Tutorial Purgatory” by transforming what you’ve learned into experience. The experience to boost your Developer career and help you get jobs.
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