In our previous post, we explained how to use VPC Interface Endpoints to establish secure connections with various AWS services via the AWS Private Network.
Now, let's advance our AWS networking knowledge by exploring the implementation of VPC Gateway Endpoints, particularly focusing on connecting to Amazon S3. We'll walk through the process of setting up Terraform modules to streamline the creation of distinct components within this architecture.
A VPC endpoint enables customers to privately connect to supported AWS services and VPC endpoint services powered by AWS PrivateLink. Amazon VPC instances do not require public IP addresses to communicate with resources of the service. Traffic between an Amazon VPC and a service does not leave the Amazon network.
There are two types of VPC endpoints:
- interface endpoints
- gateway endpoints
Gateway endpoints
A gateway endpoint targets specific IP routes in an Amazon VPC route table, in the form of a prefix-list, used for traffic destined to Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Gateway endpoints do not enable AWS PrivateLink. Instances in an Amazon VPC do not require public IP addresses to communicate with VPC endpoints, as interface endpoints use local IP addresses within the consumer Amazon VPC. Gateway endpoints are destinations that are reachable from within an Amazon VPC through prefix-lists within the Amazon VPC’s route table. There is no additional charge for using gateway endpoints.
Architecture Overview:
Before we embark on our journey, let's grasp the architectural layout we'll be working within:
Step 1: Create a VPC
Create a VPC with a public and private subnet. Please refer to my github repo in resources section below.
Step 2: Establish IAM Role with Policy and Instance Profile for S3 Access
Facilitate secure access to Amazon S3 by configuring an IAM role with a corresponding policy and instance profile tailored for S3 interactions.
# Create the IAM role for EC2 assumption
resource "aws_iam_role" "ec2_s3_role" {
assume_role_policy = jsonencode({
"Version" : "2012-10-17",
"Statement" : [
"Effect" : "Allow",
"Action" : [
"Principal" : {
"Service" : [
tags = merge(var.common_tags, {
Name = "${var.naming_prefix}-ec2-iam-role"
# Create the IAM policy to allow all s3.* actions
resource "aws_iam_policy" "ec2_s3_policy" {
name = "ec2-iam-s3-policy"
path = "/"
policy = jsonencode(
"Version" : "2012-10-17",
"Statement" : [
"Action" : [
"Effect" : "Allow",
"Resource" : "*"
tags = merge(var.common_tags, {
Name = "${var.naming_prefix}-ec2-s3-policy"
# Attach IAM policy to the role
resource "aws_iam_policy_attachment" "ec2_s3_role_policy" {
policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.ec2_s3_policy.arn
roles = []
name = "${var.naming_prefix}-ec2-s3-policy-att"
# Create an EC2 instance profile with the role
resource "aws_iam_instance_profile" "ec2_s3_instance_profile" {
role =
tags = merge(var.common_tags, {
Name = "${var.naming_prefix}-ec2-s3-instance-profile"
Step 3: Deploy Bastion and Private Host with Instance Profile
Instantiate a bastion host and a private host, private host equipped with the requisite instance profile. Also amend security group to connect private host from bastion host.
# Create EC2 Server Instances
module "vpc_a_bastion_host" {
source = "./modules/web"
instance_type = var.instance_type
instance_key = var.instance_key
subnet_id = module.vpc_a.public_subnets[0]
vpc_id = module.vpc_a.vpc_id
ec2_name = "Bastion Host A"
sg_ingress_ports = var.sg_ingress_public
common_tags = local.common_tags
naming_prefix = local.naming_prefix
module "vpc_a_private_host" {
source = "./modules/web"
instance_type = var.instance_type
instance_key = var.instance_key
subnet_id = module.vpc_a.private_subnets[0]
vpc_id = module.vpc_a.vpc_id
ec2_name = "Private Host A"
sg_ingress_ports = var.sg_ingress_private
common_tags = local.common_tags
naming_prefix = local.naming_prefix
instance_profile = module.iam_ec2_s3.instance_profile_name
# Amend Private Host SG to allow traffic from Bastion Host SG
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "public_in_ssh" {
type = "ingress"
from_port = 22
to_port = 22
protocol = "tcp"
security_group_id = module.vpc_a_private_host.security_group_id
source_security_group_id = module.vpc_a_bastion_host.security_group_id
Step 4: Provision an S3 Bucket
Set up an Amazon S3 bucket to serve as the repository for your data, enabling scalable and durable object storage.
# Create an S3 Bucket
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "s3_bucket" {
bucket = "s3-test-bucket-ct"
tags = merge(local.common_tags, {
Name = "${local.naming_prefix}-s3-bucket"
Step 5: Create a VPC Gateway Endpoint Connected to the Private Route Table
Establish a VPC Gateway Endpoint intricately linked to the private route table, thus enabling secure and efficient communication between your VPC and Amazon S3.
# Create Security Group and Gateway Endpoint
resource "aws_vpc_endpoint" "s3_vpc_ep_gateway" {
vpc_id = module.vpc_a.vpc_id
vpc_endpoint_type = "Gateway"
service_name = "com.amazonaws.${var.aws_region}.s3"
route_table_ids = "${[module.vpc_a.private_route_table_id]}"
tags = merge(local.common_tags, {
Name = "${local.naming_prefix}-gateway-endpoint"
Steps to Run Terraform
Follow these steps to execute the Terraform configuration:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
Upon successful completion, Terraform will provide relevant outputs.
Apply complete! Resources: 18 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
s3_bucket_name = "s3-test-bucket-ct"
vpc_a_bastion_host_IP = ""
Testing the outcome
VPC Interface Endpoint:
Prefix list association added to private route table:
S3 Bucket:
Accessing S3 bucket from private host via gateway endpoint:
Remember to stop AWS components to avoid large bills.
terraform destroy -auto-approve
With this we've successfully established a VPC Gateway Endpoint to establish secure connections with Amazon S3 over the AWS private network.
In our upcoming module, we'll understand S3 Simple Storage Service to host a static website.
Github Link:
VPC Endpoints:
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