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Christopher Booth
Christopher Booth

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Take Care of Your Eyes

As a lifelong glasses wearer, I can tell you, your eyes matter! As an avid lifelong video game player who sat a little too close to the TV as a child, I can tell you staring at a screen for hours on end without breaks is not a good idea. According to the Vision Council of America, nearly 75% of American adults have some form of vision correction. So how can we programmers protect our eye sight - especially since staring at a digital screen for long periods of time can lead to digital eye strain? Turns out there are a bunch of tools and actions we can utilize to preserve our eyes!

  1. Proper lighting is a must! Too much harsh light is bad for your eyes. In fact the recommended amount of light is about half of what is found in the average office space. Close drapes, use less overhead lights, try to sit perpendicular to a window rather than facing it.

  2. Reflections are the enemy! Glare produced on your screen makes it harder for your eyes to focus. Try to pair this with the lighting tip to minimize the amount of glare on your screen and even the desk next to your screen. That harsh light reflected back into your eyes adds strain and makes your eyes work harder to focus.

  3. Blink! Doctor who fans may have a problem with this, especially if they feel like a weeping angel is around the corner, but make sure to blink. When you stare at a screen you blink less often - roughly one third as often - and deprive your eyes of liquid. This may lead to agitating dry eye symptoms.

  4. Take a break. Remember to stand and stretch every 20 to 30 minutes. Similarly, your eyes should be given a break. Follow the 20/20/20 rule. Roughly every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This allows your eyes to focus on something much farther away than the average computer screen and gives them a break from the bright light of the display.

  5. Adjust your display. Install a blue light filter app such as f.lux. Increase the size of the text on your display. Buy a display with flicker free technology. All of these can help reduce strain.

  6. Think about your posture. Spending all day hunched forward at a desk typing on a keyboard can be detrimental for you. Back pain, leg pain, stressed nerves in the neck. All of this adds up and can agitate your eyes as well.

  7. Take REAL breaks. Keep in mind that ALL displays can be harmful. Phones, tablets, e-readers. You name it. Staring at all of these displays for too long can cause harm and substituting one for the other is not a legitimate break.

Coding is important and fun. You can use technology to accomplish incredible things. But don't forget to take care of yourself.

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