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Easy user authentication with Next.js

Chris Garrett on June 03, 2020

Over the past couple of releases, Next.js has made some impressive additions which have transformed the way I develop with it. One of my favourite ...
tsm012 profile image

Love the simplicity. However, after I am successfully authenticated, my user session is not available inside my getServerSideProps function, so a 404 is always returned even after a successful authentication and redirect. Any thoughts on why:

const user = req.session.get("user");

would work in the sessions.js file but be unavailable in the getServerSideProps function?

mnengwa profile image
mnengwa • Edited

HI, @tsm012. How did you solve the above issue? I am experiencing the same issue.

Create a util in utils/cookies.js

import {withIronSession} from 'next-iron-session';

const cookie = {
    cookieName: process.env.COOKIE_NAME,
    password: process.env.COOKIE_SECRET,
    cookieOptions: {secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'},

export const guard = (handler) => {
    return withIronSession(handler, cookie);

export default cookie;
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Implement lookup logic

req.session.set('user', { user });

// persist session value

return res.status(201).json({success, message});
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Attempt to access the session value

export const getServerSideProps = guard(async (ctx) => {
    const {req} = ctx;

    const session = req.session.get();


    return {redirect: {destination: '/sign-in', permanent: false}};
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At this point, the session is empty e.g { }

kibaekkimm profile image
Kibaek Kim

In my case, different cookieNames property.
because i just copied and paste code above.

samuelgoldenbaum profile image
Samuel Goldenbaum • Edited

Returning a 404 for an unauthenticated user - surely this would be a 401/403. In your demo, SSR would just show a 404 which doesn't make any sense.

redirecting/or using res.end within getServerSideProps will result in the error: 'ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT' so don't see how that works either.

chrsgrrtt profile image
Chris Garrett • Edited

It's quite common to return a 404 on protected endpoints for an unauthed user - it makes it harder to "profile" an application from the outside. Github do this, for instance. Feel free to implement differently though, for instance redirecting to the sign in screen - it's just a demo afterall...

I'm using res.statusCode, res.send inside getServerSidePros without issue; are you basing your assumption on a statically compiled next app?

samuelgoldenbaum profile image
Samuel Goldenbaum

Thanks for the reply Chris.

There is an RFC for this issue. Take a look at the codesandbox demo and you will see

Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client

Maybe this is handled somehow in next-iron-session

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chrsgrrtt profile image
Chris Garrett

Thanks Samuel - that is very bizarre! I'm using this exact code successfully in a project at the moment, but you're right - it is an issue in the codesandbox demo... I'll do some digging.

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samuelgoldenbaum profile image
Samuel Goldenbaum

It seems to be an RFC at the moment and would be a great solution to be able to set headers - which could allow a redirect in getServerSidePros which would be great.

Currently, I have to use getInitialProps in a HOC and check if we SSR/client and do something like:

getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
        const {token} = nextCookie(ctx);

        if (!token) {
            if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
                ctx.res.writeHead(302, {Location: '/login'});
            } else {

        return {};
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sheptang profile image
Anıl Yarkın Yücel

Is it possible to use withIronSession in _app.jsx and pass the session:true|false to pageProps to wrap around each and every possible page in an easier way? That being said, it'd be inside the function App({ Component, pageProps }){.... Please tell me "YES", I need this answer and how :')

akanshsirohi profile image
Akansh Sirohi

Very great, simple and useful example, but am not able to understand that how we could write a decorator/HoC that wraps getServerSideProps and performs the session validation in a reusable way, can anyone here give an example of that related to this example here.

_builtbyjay profile image
Jay Vincent

This is great, thanks Chris! And thanks for the introduction to next-iron-session

jsbimra profile image
Jatinder Singh

Yes succinct and too the points ;) more words could be cutdown at what is it explanation blocks. :)