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Clarence Dimitri CHARLES
Clarence Dimitri CHARLES

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How to mock a hidden dependency

Working with legacy code is difficult.

When working with legacy code, you can run into a number of challenges, like for instance : how to write a unit test for a method that contains a hidden, private dependency.
Let me show you an example of such code :

public class NotificationService {

    private void sendSMSNotification(User user, Event event, boolean isUrgent) throws NotificationException {
        try {

            String messageContent = buildSMSMessageContent(user, event, isUrgent);
            String phoneNumber = user.getPhoneNumber();

            if (phoneNumber == null || phoneNumber.isEmpty()) {
                throw new NotificationException("User's phone number is not available.");

            // Get SmsService bean from ApplicationContext
            SmsService smsService = ApplicationContextHolder.getBean(SmsService.class);**
            boolean isSent = smsService.sendSMS(phoneNumber, messageContent);

            if (!isSent) {
                throw new NotificationException("Failed to send SMS to " + phoneNumber);

            // Optionally log the SMS sending for auditing purposes
            logSMSSending(user, phoneNumber, messageContent, isUrgent);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new NotificationException("Error occurred while sending SMS notification.", e);
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Here the hidden dependency is the SmsService. As you can see, it is instantiated with the Spring ApplicationContext.

This is a common pattern we can “encounter” when working with a legacy code. The idea behind this ApplicationContextHolderis that it serves as a “utility” class that has a reference to the Spring applicationContext and instead of injecting the bean, or the service with @Autowired we are directly injecting by calling the static method ApplicationContext.getBean .

This is problematic because SmsService is hidden, private and is making a real Api call to the the SmsProvider.

In my test, I want to have the possibility to mock the SmsService.

So, how to achieve that ?

Extract and override getter

There is a technique that Michael Feathers describes in his book Working effectively with Legacy Code to overcome this problem. It’s called Extract and Override getter .

To expose the SmsService, define a getter, getSmService and use that getter in all places where the SmService is used in the class. This getSmsService visibility is protected.

public class NotificationService {

    private void sendSMSNotification(User user, Event event, boolean isUrgent) throws NotificationException {
        try {

            //same as before

            SmsService smsService = getSmsService();
            boolean isSent = smsService.sendSMS(phoneNumber, messageContent);

            if (!isSent) {
                throw new NotificationException("Failed to send SMS to " + phoneNumber);

           // same as before

    protected SmsService getSmsService(){
      return ApplicationContextHolder.getBean(SmsService.class);
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2nd step, create a TestNotificationService that will override the getSmsService and return a FakeSmsService.

 class TestNotificationService extends NotificationService {

    public SmsService getSmsService(){
       return new FakeSmsService();
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For the sake of simplicity, let’s imagine that SmsService is an interface, otherwise you would need to extract an interface from the SmsService that will contain sendSms as a method.

The FakeSmsService will return false for the sendSms method.

class FakeSmsService implements SmsService {

 public boolean sendSms(phoneNumber, messageContent){
   return false;
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And then write your test.

void test_raise_an_exception_when_sms_is_not_sent(){
  NotificationService notificationService = new TestNotificationService();
  Exception exception = assertThrows(NotificationException.class, () -> { 
     notificationService.sendSMSNotification(user, event, false);

  Assertions.assertEquals("Failed to send SMS to 0606060606", exception.getMessage());
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To summarize

  1. Create a getter to expose with protected visibility
  2. Define a test class that extends the main and overrides the getter previously defined.
  3. Use it your test.

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