Hello welcome to the second BigO notation challenge where we will be solving a few challenges.
Today we will be taking a new route just to understand what BigO Notation is
What is BigO Notation?
- Big O notation is the language we use for talking about how long an algorithm takes to run (time complexity) or how much memory is used by an algorithm (space complexity). Big O notation can express the best, worst, and average-case running time of an algorithm. Big-O Notation: A Simple Explanation with Examples
Well said you can check that blog which has a lot of explanation about O Notation.
There are 4 key things to consider while solving BigO challenges
When you have different steps in your algorithm you add them
You drop constants as they are described as (o) of n
If you have different inputs you use different variables to represent that eg
You drop non dominate terms
You can watch a simple explanation of BigO Notation
Top comments (5)
This was an awesome read!! looking forward to more
especially Pamella lovetts explanation
Thanks, Miami Larry
This is awesome research Cliff. Keep up!
Thanks Joan 😃