Akal, or Alzheimer's calendar, was part of my fourth year dissertation. The idea behind it was to create a hardware and software system to help improve on how to care for Alzheimer's and dementia patients with the help of modern technology.
It includes a calendar to allow caregivers to share information about the patient's schedule both with the patient and with other caregivers. It also gathers data from the patients environment and updates the caregivers if the patient's home is too hot or cold.
Akal also aims to help patient's by providing information, such as the date, the time, their schedules, photos of their loved ones and a caption to remind them who is in the photograph.
Akal was built using Laravel for the backend, Vue for the front end, and Python for the rasberry pi integration. All of the API's for the system are open ended enough to allow for creating new applications which would use these APIs.
Link to Code
Code for Akal can be found here:
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