Module 2 Discussion
Write code to mark the text Gourmet Thai Cooking as a heading with the second level of importance.
Gourmet Thai Cooking
What is the div element and why will you often encounter it in pre-HTML5 code?
The div element contains a generic grouping of elements within the document. You will often encounter it in pre-HTML5 code because prior to HTML5, sections were defined as divisions created using the div element.
What element would you use to indicate a change of topic within a section?
Write the code to mark the text Daily Special as emphasized text.
Daily Special
Write code to mark the text H2SO4 with subscripts.
Write the code to link the web page to the CSS file mystyles.css.
Write the expression to insert the em dash into a web page using the character code 8212.
Write the code to insert an inline image using the source file awlogo.png and the alternate text Art World.
<img src=”awlogo.png” alt=”Art world”
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