Hi Guys,
An SDK Platform product update from our Team! A Web 3 SDK that is extremely friendly to newbie developers to build their own decentralized apps is now with brand new UI and smoother low coding experience.
Mirror World as a Web 3 Infra company has been working on providing hands-on tools for developers to speed up their decentralized app-building process.
In other words, with a decentralized app project idea in mind, it would take about 30 minutes using our SDK to complete all the essential settings in the decentralized app you want to build.
We mainly focus on these three parts of the decentralized app, with multichain support such as EVM-Compatible chains like Polygon, BNB, Solana and more.
The Three Aspects are:
- Authentication and Wallet
- NFT Management
- Marketplace building
Here are some of the updates we made in smoothing the developer experience in creating and monitoring their projects: (Best experience would be achieved by following our dashboard along and checking out the new features along with the article: https://app.mirrorworld.fun/auth/login
It is important to know what you want to build.
Won’t get lost in roaming about in the documents. Starting by choosing which kind of function you want to build and start your developing journey.
Clear Dashboard for Keeping Up With All the Data.
Monitor your project case by case, just in case you want to try out different paths at the same time.
Tack what you have done in the past, your request logs are here for you.
Zero Code Design for NFT Management
Overview of all your collections, with helpful guides to help you through each step
Create your NFT collection in a snap of a finger with no code at all
Zero Code Design for NFT Marketplace
Create your NFT Marketplace by entering basic info
Helpful Guide in Every Step You Take
Check out the “how to prepare” option and download a sample JASON file if you are not sure what to do next.
Explanations for newbie developers to check out while encountering new concepts.
Anything else unsure? Click on the question mark and get in contact with our professional support with more detailed guides.
Try building a decentralized app now in under 30 minutes
Check out our website: mirrorworld.fun
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