(This should have been posted on 8/9/2; this post covers what I’ve done up to 8/9/24 only).
Things I've worked on/completed since my last post...
- Finished all the theory in CSS Grid, which included…
- Finished Positioning Grid Elements
- Advanced Grid Properties (inc. practical exercises)
- Using Flexbox and Grid
Things that went well...
I tried to teach myself a little bit about Grid prior to starting TOP, but hadn't touched it since then. I enjoyed getting back into it and it was good to delve into the details of it a bit more in the theory section.
Though still no expert, I feel more aware of its capabilites and more confident in terms of being able to to research what I need to achieve a desired result.
Things that didn't go quite so well...
Nothing really. Except that in the last the grid practice exercise, I followed all the dimensions specified buy my layout appeared slightly different to the 'desired outcome', even though it was responding correctly etc.
A fellow Odinite reassured me that this was probably due to my UI being of different size to that on which the desired outcome was designed. Though it makes sense, it's good to get reassurance anyway. This will make me more aware of such 'design discrepancies' in the future.
Things I've learnt/need to improve on...
Understanding how grids can be created within grids, how grids can contain flex containers etc. and the overlap between the two.
How Flexbox is more content-focused in terms of sizing, while Grid is more layout-based.
How Flexbox can be used to create '2D' layouts, which are not really 2D.
I think I developed a better understanding of when grid might be the better choice over flexbox and vice versa. I found Kevin Powell’s video on this particularly helpful.
.Plan for the forthcoming week...
Start and hopefully finish the Admin Dashboard project, which is the last project in the Intermediate HTML and CSS course.
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