DEV Community

Doug Jones
Doug Jones

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Road Map to Game C.R.U.D

I was once asked, "How do you eat an Elephant?" My first thought was, "I don't know, I never thought about eating one." The answer I was given was, "One bite at a time."

So, how does this relate to coding?

How do we as developers solve big problems (The Elephant)? By breaking it down into smaller problems (One bite at a time).

This was the approach I took when doing my Sinatra Curd project for flatiron.

The Problem: Build a Create Read Update Delete application.

The first bite: I created a file to brainstorm and game plan how to approach this challenge.

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I asked a series of questions to create a roadmap to this project;

  1. What do I want this app to do?
  2. What models do I need?
  3. What kind of relationships do I need to plan for?
  4. What attributes do my models need to have?
  5. What views do I want in my app?
  6. How do I want to route my app through my controllers?

By taking the above approach the "Elephant" was broken down into smaller bites. Before I did any coding I would look over this file and make changes as needed.

When facing similar challenges remember the Elephant. Break the problem down to one bite at a time and before you know it there's no more problem.

Happy Coding.

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