I have begun to wonder if Stackoverflow is too strict. Almost half of my questions get flagged as not enough detail when I wrote an entire paragraph on it, yet a question a year ago gets approved when it has 20 words. I have begun to use Stackoverflow less because of this. I still use it to read other people's questions to help me, but I don't ask questions anymore.
What do you guys think? Am I just bad at asking questions, or do you guys have the same experience as me? 🤔
This is my opinion about Stackoverflow. Do not take this seriously. If you are a Stackoverflow employee, this is not to shame you or anyone else working at Stackoverflow. 😁
Top comments (2)
No, I don't think Stack Overflow is too strict. Generally speaking (and there are exceptions) the close and re-open votes there make sense. If you think a question from a year ago wasn't good enough, that's fine, but unless it got flagged and then re-opened, there's no such thing as "approving". It probably never got flagged by anyone in the first place, where your questions have been. Perhaps they're on a more popular topic?
That makes sense! Thanks!
I'm still not using Stackoverflow lol :)