DISCLAIMER: I know have a reputation for my strong dislike of Javascript, but I assure you, this post has nothing to do with that opinion. If you c...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
On constructive note (after long discussion with author and realising the author is adecvate person).
I have troubles with categorical tone in articles, which say there is only one right way (this is how see this article, but I may misread it). Because the definition of right is constantly changing in our field. There are pros and cons to all. I mean all
There are even pros for bad code. Seriously there can be cases when bad code is better. You will regret less to throw away clearly bad code, and clearly bad code easier to refactor. I assume that you can spent less time (or money) to write bad code rather than good. Which means there can be economical benefits to it even if you would need to pay 2-3 times more later (so called tech debt).
Depends. Eventually you will learn all of this, but the phrase reads to me that you should jump into learning all of it. I have strong arguments against learning "design patterns" (if we talking about Gang of Four book). People later try to use it everywhere even where not appropriate. You need to practice some amount of programming to understand when to use it and when not.
Why not? A lot of people can write some business logic without deep understanding and get deep into the field before it will become a problem. I see how lack of knowledge of underlying technology may hold you from professional growth at some point, but as well a lot of people will be just fine without knowing it.
There are million of shortcuts. Take all of them. Learn what you need right now for your job or life.
There are different opinions on all subjects. This is just some counter points to the article, so that reader can decide themselves.
Four counter-counter-points:
Bad code is unmaintainable and bug-prone, which costs exponentially more in hours, money, downtime, and lost productivity. There are entire studies documenting just the quantifiable cost of this. Read "Dreaming in Code" by Scott Rosenberg for a thorough overview. I can't do it justice in a comment.
There's a profound difference between deferring and avoiding. You don't need to learn everything now, but you should learn these things eventually. I explicitly addressed avoidance.
Abstractions often break, conceal inefficiencies, and/or unexpectedly mismatch logical intent. When that happens, only those who understand said abstractions can fix their code. Every programmer will slam into this painful reality sooner or later (or else live in denial of it and ship unusable code.) Again, see the difference between deferring and avoiding.
There are no shortcuts to becoming a good programmer. You have to put in the time and effort. Those who skip all the hard work eventually find their lack of drive has closed doors. Someone who has been ostensibly coding for eight years, and yet lacks much of the general knowledge of their peers, will be regarded as a burden to any development team who has to carry them up. That is no way to build a rewarding career.
If you're two years into coding, I don't expect mastery of any of the above by any means! Simply moving towards it is all that can be expected. But if you're six years into coding, and in the same place you were when you started, there's a profound problem. The entire point of the self-examination I called for is to prevent that stagnation.
There are different opinions on all subjects, but these points are beyond opinion. I'm simply restating truths that have been proven time and again. For their efficacy, I appeal to the entire history of software development.
P.S. For decades, many have appeared claiming that "what's right in programming" is somehow changing. They've invariably been proven wrong every time. Abstraction doesn't change the underlying logic. The car doesn't replace the engine.
I mean Turing was right no arguments about that and deep nature of computation doesn't change. But "best" practices, languages, paradigms changes a lot. At some point people were like SQL is dead, because it doesn't scale nosql is our saver, and then google made spanner (which is possible only due to huge progress in our field, they need to make custom clocks to make this thing work)
Those are still only abstractions around the same logic, and many of the arguments for or against any of those practices or technologies are rooted in an understanding of said logic.
No matter what costume you put the duck in, it's still a duck. We should not pretend it is now a moose.
This is oversimplification, if we will follow this logic we all can write programs in assembly (or brainfuck, which is Turing complete). Why even bother with those higher level languages and abstractions?
...and we literally could. Albeit, it wouldn't be a good use of our time.
Because they allow us to save repeated implementation effort, not because they prevent us from thinking about the underlying concepts. For example...
When I use the
function in Python, I know I'm using Timsort, which has a worst-case algorithmic efficiency ofO(n log n)
. Whether that has an implication on what I'm doing depends on the situation, but I'm not in the dark about it in any case. (The abstraction means I don't have to reimplement Timsort myself.)If I'm storing the high and low temperature of the day to a single decimal place, and I'm working in C++, C, or Java, I will use
instead ofdouble
. I know I don't need double precision for a number which is merely meant to be scientifically approximate, so I don't want to lazily waste the extra memory or processing time. (The abstraction means I don't have to shove the bytes into memory myself.)If I'm writing a function that takes a list as an argument, I need to be intentional about either my use or my avoidance of side effects, and that requires an understanding of how the list is being passed: Copy? Reference? Assignment? (The abstraction means I don't have to fiddle with registers.)
When I am deciding between using a loop, recursion, or a generator expression (in, say, Python), I need to understand the pros and cons of each. The wrong decision here can have significant impacts on the performance of the code. (The abstraction means I don't have to mess with assembly jump instructions and/or manual loop unrolling.)
If I'm storing a collection of data, I need to understand how it needs to be accessed. Do I need random-access? Am I only adding and accessing values from the front or the back? Does it matter what order it's stored in? Those are just some of the fundamental differences between how a list, a stack, a queue, and an array are stored and accessed in memory. The wrong data structure will at best waste resources, and at worst introduce significant bugs. (The abstractions means I don't have to reimplement these data structures.)
In all these cases, I'm using abstractions, but I'm understanding what the implications of those abstractions are. One can afford to "wave off" a few of these things now and then, but if one habitually ignores them altogether, their code is invariably more prone to bugs, errors, inefficiencies, and maintainability problems. Wanton carelessness in these areas is why we have (for example) web pages that take up more memory than entire operating systems of yesteryear.
It's very hard to talk to you, I'm not sure are you being serious or trolling.
Following this logic we as well need to understand electronics, otherwise we use abstractions of hardware without realising implications (rowhammer attacks).
Turing tarpit it is.
I'm quite serious, and in fact, there is a degree to which programmers do need to understand some important principles of computer engineering. (Which principles depends on which abstractions you're using, and thus, unpacking.)
As you follow each abstraction down as you encounter it, you learn more and more about the underlying principles of computer programming, and yes, sometimes even hardware. These have profoundly positive influences on your programming skills.
I think a lot of people feel defensive about this because it seems intimidating. They think "I'm not a real programmer because I have no idea what a register is!" To that, I'd say no, you ARE a real programmer. Every day will present a new opportunity to learn. You don't have to try to learn everything, nor do you need to learn it all right now.
The important point, the universal distinguishing characteristic of a good programmer, is simply the willingness to keep learning. When you realize you must make a decision about an abstraction, when you encounter a new tool, when you have a more senior developer point out a pitfall you overlooked, you take the plunge down the rabbit hole and fill in the gaps.
Moment by moment, day by day, fragment by fragment, you uncover the deeper truths underneath the "magic", and you become a better programmer for it.
Example: if you followed just one of those rabbit holes — data structures — all the way down to the silicon, you're really only going to encounter basic memory addressing and CPU caching (and maybe a bit of binary jazz). Neither is as scary or complex as they sound, and both are incredibly enlightening. Once understood, they become as elementary as multiplication.
Yet in that same scenario, understanding (say) how the power supply unit and how it provides voltage to the RAM is utterly irrelevant; it has no meaningful effect on the fundamental concept.
You can like or dislike any language. Whatever. This is matter of taste. But any phrase (article) with this ending
is gatekeeping.
Well phrased, I was debating how to put it myself.
I, for one, know excellent software engineers who have never studied languages like Haskell, C, Rust. And it’s certainly not true that anyone who doesn’t go beyond certain languages is in the wrong field. The only reason I learned C is that I had the privilege of a university education, where this was part of the core curriculum. I never used it since as I prefer higher level languages. Many people don’t have the same opportunity of this kind of education.
Let’s keep the community inviting and the field approachable for newcomers, who might be overwhelmed with a language like Javascript already.
Unfortunately, I think you both missed my point, and specifically the conditional on my statement about being in the wrong field.
It is possible to be a Javascript developer and a good programmer. The trouble is when one wants to avoid learning the nitty-gritty of programming overall. My recommendation is simply that if one is addicted to the hand-holding of a "magic language", they need to pick up another language that is going to be more explicit about bad code, just to train one's instincts.
One is certainly welcome to ease into it. The problem is when it becomes a wholesale avoidance.
To put it broadly, programming is all about problem solving using math and logic. So, if someone doesn't want to do that, yes, they are in the wrong field. If you don't enjoy problem solving, coding is not for you, and you're setting yourself up for a miserable career.
I'm not sure how to put this - but you did it again
No it's not. There are fields where you don't need math (not more than arithmetic), for example CSS, devops, system administration, security (I'm not talking about writing secure algorithm, but rather fighting SQL injections)
Are you a president of the programming field, so you can alone decide who can be in the field and who can't?
UPD Your profile says you are CEO. You can use those criterias to decide if you want to hire person to your company or not. No problems here. But you can't decide for people if they belong to the field or not.
Personal attacks aren't very conducive to constructive discussions, and are running contrary to the Code of Conduct.
For the benefit of other readers, I will further clarify my meaning:
As someone with years of experience as a mentor, an internship coordinator, and an active part of multiple beginner-friendly communities, and as someone who has seen first-hand who winds up thriving in this field, and who burns out, I'm providing a piece of career advice, based on a premise that has proven unvaryingly true through the decades.
Regardless of specialty, the entirety of programming is built on the principles of logic and mathematics, and these are inescapable in their whole, even if particular components are not applied.
I also applied my statements to programming, of which devops, sys admin, and server security are not technically considered branches thereof. (I've also done all of the later). CSS, in isolation, can sometimes be considered a branch of computer-aided graphics design, which is tangentially related to programming, isn't strictly a subfield.
At no point did I state or imply that someone who dislikes applied logic does not have access or rights to the community. I am simply stating what millions of professionals in this field can quickly and readily confirm: if someone dislikes the fundamental principles of programming, they're going to hate this career field.
I see the difference between
Which I interpreted as gatekeeping and
Which can be interpreted as career advice (you may not enjoy it, but feel free to try it, this is based on my personal experience).
That what I tried to point out. If there was personal attack I would like to know about that (from community or administration), so I can fix my behaviour. I don't see attack. I saw issue, I pointed out it
(Speaking as a tag moderator on six different active tags.)
That (and similar phrases) were accusatory, and not appropriate.I'd have flagged it coming from anyone, and addressed to anyone.
The better way to bring up such a concern would be to ask clarifying questions, especially after I assured you I wasn't gatekeeping. What you just posted was a much calmer and more productive way of voicing your concern (which I appreciate).
Perhaps a better initial response would have been "It sounds like you're saying that people are not welcome in the programming field if they dislike logic. Is that what you meant?" (That's assuming the best about the author, instead of the worst, which is a good universal policy to adopt.)
(Switching back to community-member mode.)
I can see how my original phrasing, in isolation, could be taken as gatekeeping. I still think the rest of my post makes my intent clear. Remember, I wasn't writing to curious people who were just poking it with a stick. I was specifically addressing people who were embracing Javascript (etc) because it felt like "magic," and prevented them from having to learn the tough stuff. That's a very specific audience.
Anyway, I hope that clarifies my intent. I certainly never want to discourage someone from trying programming, but I also don't want to encourage them to waste time trying to master something they're already showing signs of hating. And, as I said, I don't dare apply the label to anyone myself. I described the pattern. It is explicitly the reader's job to assess whether it applies to them.
I tried to illustrate what the gatekeeping is, because I suspected that you did it (gatekeeping phrases) two times in a row, and fail to see what is wrong with that.
Apparently this was a problem of phrasing. To be fair I was not the only one who failed to correctly understand your phrasing. You used "I never said that" two times in comments for this article e.g. your phrasing was misinterpreted and you need to explain it with extended comment
Yes agree with this phrasing. Will use something similar next time
Well, to be fair, I'll monitor how many people continue to express concern about meaning.
The difficulty with approaching a topic this sensitive, you understand, is that one will inevitably get detracting comments from people who only skimmed the article, and either deliberately or unintentionally missed the point. I've had it happen with far less controversial topics, wherein someone actually accused me of making a point I'd explicitly stated in the article I wasn't making.
Not to say my phrasing can't be improved, but on the basis of the above, I never take the first couple "misunderstandings" seriously. Once it becomes clearer, I look into adjusting if necessary. That's important to maintaining sanity, as those individuals determined to misinterpret will do so no matter what is said.
In any case, I tweaked the last sentence to be a little less "misunderstandable".
(Also, thanks for being open to learning how to interact more constructively.)
It's up to you to decide, but people will skim articles this is natural thing for people to do. There are way to much information, people try to understand if it is even worth to read the piece or not. 10% of people are dyslexic (they have extra troubles reading complex texts). It means that a lot of people will take away from your article wrong message
I'm also dyslexic, and a traumatic brain injury survivor who had to relearn how to read. I'm a professional writer with a college background in communication, and I've mentored ESL students, disabled students, and the whole gamut of reading capabilities. I believe in clarity in writing, but I also believe the reader has a responsibility as well.
is not a positive life strategy. Incidentally, that was also a tangential subpoint of the article. Skimming is fine in its place, but if someone is going to take the time to comment, share, or apply what they read, they should first take the time to read throughly.Leaving aside the whole gatekeeping tone of the article, because I see other's have covered it already, I do agree with you in the point that there are others, normally young, and inexperienced developers who tend to try to go for the shortcuts and yes, the JS community has done an incredible job to help there.
I say incredible because, for experienced developers, who already know those basic concepts, higher-level tools are heaven-sent. The problem is that those new developers need advice, need mentoring, and need good role models. Through mentoring, you can show them they're missing out on a lot of things. Through properly highlighting relevant information using the different mediums at our disposal, we can show them what they should be learning.
But we should never, at least in my opinion, blame a language (and I know you're not directly blaming JS here, but you're cutting it very close) for the shortcomings of a small group of its users.
Maybe what we're seeing here, playing the devil's advocate, is the start of a new trend. How long have we been coding using the same concepts? We might see some old trend become new again, such as with React, but we're not making any real advances (at the fundamental langauge level of course). What if this is an indication that we need a higher level platform to develop in? What if we need to stop coding like we're doing right now, and take follow the example of these "shortened attention-span" developers like you called them, and create something that lets them (and us) build software faster, quicker, and without having to worry about lower-level concepts as we do now?
Such has been called for hundreds of times since the genesis of programming. The ball always rolls a little ways, maybe produces a new language, only to discover that we can't get away from the fundamental concepts we're building on.
Read "Dreaming in Code" by Scott Rosenberg.
The "order of blame" is kinda easy to get flipped. Said group isn't apathetic because they use Javascript. They use Javascript (arguably improperly) because of their apathy.
Interesting, I'll look it up. Thanks!
Honestly, I think that most people are missing the real issue which is financial. And I apologize for the blow out but this topic really frustrates me and unfortunately very few are willing to acknowledge the issue.
In general, people and therefore developers as well, tend to put the minimum effort required to achieve a goal without much consideration into the future. Think about it. Where the industry imposes severe restrictions and quality standards, like for example buildings, the requirements by themselves elevate the good engineers. The requirements are also what keep non-relevant to the job people out of the industry or decision making paths. You can't have a linguist (no pun intended) who doesn't understand physics, drive the project management of building a bridge. For the same reason that you can't have a kindergarten teacher who doesn't like children or for the same reason that you can't have a nuclear factory engineer who don't understand nuclear physics. They are unsuitable and even dangerous.
But, with software and especially software that is not life or mission critical, we do. We have so many people that have not the necessary background, driving decisions and usually sacrificing quality for cost, even when the sacrifice means a shity output. We add and expect numbers over quality. Although DEVOPS is upon us, we still have in many places the business driving features with complete lack of understanding of the technical challenge and often don't even care. I'm not saying we shouldn't do difficult stuff, but the impact needs to be understood from all aspects, including if and whether the right people are there. When decisions are driven in the dark, then there is a problem. When the qualified people find themselves amond irrelevance they get worse because there is nothing to challenge them. And unfortunately, we are doing this more and more often. To be clear, the issue is not with training inexperienced people but with the potential and mindset compatibility or rather lack of it them which plague the industry.
I've got multiple examples and I think the situation is getting worse. With the tools improving, there is a general consensus that less skill is required to be a software engineer that is one of the best paying jobs. Anyone would "smell" the gold and would like to get in the party. And why not? Nobody is saying to them no! Instead we are even punishing the skilled and qualified ones by adding an extra burden without a return for the investment. As long as some managers could argue that they reduced the cost. Cost is important but would you remove the foundations of the building to cut cost? Would you live in that house? No but still in software we do these things. Another example is during hiring processes, where your skill and talent is impossible to convey because the managers and recruiters involved in the hiring are unable to evaluate your skill because they don't understand it. Anyone who wants to manipulate the system can get in and then we wonder where the problem is.
And yes, universities and schools adjust to this mindset. They get paid afterall to produce numbers without true quality gateways. People who would normally look down to the developers are going after this industry and why wouldn't they? They get paid well to do something that they don't really understand nor can they relate to. But they still get paid much better than other jobs.
And as a small reminder, similar things happened in the past as well. Anyone is old enough to remember why and how Visual Basic became so successful? Anyone is old enough to remember how people were hired in the DOTCOM era in the banks? I remember people getting hired at banks with really high salaries just because they could do an
with VBS because back then just mentioning the word code was frowned upon. Former colleagues of mine were biologists who got into the software engineering because they had a university degree. They turned out fine but I'm sure others didn't and are probably in the industry.The immaterial nature of software makes it challenging but also a place were irrelevance is also dominant. This is THE elephant in the room and if you don't have any they you are really lucky and I do hope that you don't get to have one.
I think I agree with what I'm seeing of your point here.
Of course, the "financial"/traditional business sector has had relatively little to no bearing on FOSS over the past twenty+ years, so if it were primarily financial, these problems wouldn't be creeping into little indie dev-run projects too.
I know I've recommended it elsewhere in the thread, but check out "Dreaming in Code" by Scott Rosenberg. It speaks a lot to the hiccups in software development over the years, both in FOSS and proprietary sectors.
I assume you this is the book. Looks interesting but since I've read both The DEVOPS handbook and The Phoenix project I would like to ask you if you still recommend it and what would be different with these books. That is of course if you've read any of them. If you haven't, then they are a must.
I have read neither, but at a glance (yay Amazon) I can tell you that this isn't even remotely similar. Dreaming in Code isn't a technical book; it is a first-hand account of an actual FOSS project, from its inception to its first stable release, and all of the ups and downs along the way. Rosenberg also takes time to explain the history behind the various project management phenomenons the project experienced. In many ways, it reads more like a story than anything.
In short, I definitely still recommend it.
I don't believe anyone of us is done learning nor is there one correct way to approach the field. I started programming professionally in high level languages myself. But languages being leaky abstractions, I eventually had to dive into the nitty gritty. Stack vs GC heap allocations. Array locality. Locking and concurrent programming. And so on.
While there could be something to your article about cultural trends, this line struck me as particularly more about your perspective than about cultural shifts: "I hope all this comes as a cold splash of reality for you." There are an endless parade of technical details in our field. Why does your preferred set need to be everyone's path?
I never said that my preferred set needs to be on everyone's path. If you read my article again, you'll notice that I'm not holding up any language as "the one answer". I am merely making the point that all programmers need to eventually master the underlying principles of programming, yet too many avoid them.
Build your career in JS if you like. Or Rust. Or Haskell. Or COBOL, if you are so inclined. Whatever path you take, learn to code well.
In the end coding well probably matters less than making a product that does what people need. Otherwise, no beginners could exist in our field. Although I agree that it is a worthy lifetime endeavor, at least for me.
Coding well is a necessary step to ensuring software is stable and maintainable, both of which are necessary parts of making a product that does what people need.
Beginners certainly don't need to grasp every topic I've outlined right away. The point is simple: if you want to succeed as a programmer, you must pursue it. Avoiding it is a lose-lose scenario.
I agree, to know programming as a side-skill and to be a programmer are two different things. I certainly don't mean this for anyone who simply keeps coding in their back pocket merely as an auxiliary skill.
Great tie-back to chess, by the way. Very true.
Know thyself. You can stroll on through the gate if you like, oh greenhorn, but be forewarned, you may find nothing you desire on the other side. Count the cost of this road.
Surely you see that much as gatekeeping?
Like, I understand you say you're not doing it… but if someone is stabbing another person while saying they're not murdering the other, the words don't really mean anything. 🤷🏾♂️
I see gatekeeping as telling someone "you can't come in," when I have demonstrably stated that "if
, then you may not find this field to be a good fit for you."To read everything herein and still label it gatekeeping requires deliberate misinterpretation. In any case, it's willfully misrepresenting my point as being exclusionary and discriminatory, when I have said absolutely nothing to that effect.
Not every person alive will be a good programmer, just like not everyone will be a good football player or a good violinist, because it's not right for everyone. But if someone wants to be a programmer, they must know what's involved, and consider the cost for themselves, the same as a football player or violinist must consider the effort necessary to achieve mastery.
But as I've said again and again, it is up to the reader to determine if this is true of them or not; I have never, and will never, make that judgement call myself.
Gatekeeping is explicitly stating they shouldn't come in, but it also refers to creating an unwelcoming environment—regardless of intent.
Stating another person will not enjoy something they've yet to experience is part of that. Maybe they'll grow into learning the fundamentals as it becomes more practical. Maybe not.
If people are playing videogames and a girl tries to join, it would be gatekeeping to say "this is only for boys". Same with generalizing it to any sort of person.
I argue it is best to let the new person join, show them the best practices, and let them invest however much they want.
Additionally, when I play basketball, I'm not trying to put in the effort to become the next Michael Jordan. But it's still fun. I'm sure there's plenty of things you approach in the same way.
You would say this activity is not right for me?
Just because we do not agree with your takeaway does not mean we are actively misinterpreting you.
Your comment is not the first to show that someone misinterpreted the article.
If the article is read soberly, you can clearly see that gatekeeping and other things were neither meant nor mentioned.
To have a discussion on such a topic is in principle productive and desirable. There are, however, rules for discussion which must be clearly adhered to and which distinguish a discussion from a dispute. Verbal direct and indirect attacks of another person, clear insinuations in offensive wording and snappish answers are not desirable.
On behalf of the community moderators I ask you to discuss this matter objectively and fairly. The discussion should not be stopped or censored, but it is everyone's right to be treated with fairness and respect!
We want to keep up to these standards in this community.
In what way am I verbally attacking said person, either directly or indirectly? I presented questions and scenarios that highlight my concerns. No insults or anything of the sort.
Furthermore, I was specifically referring to the comment I responded to. It seem to be joking about literal gatekeeping.
I agree that you have to dig deep to be successful, but see the point in other's argument that Javascript is not necessary more magical than others.
For example, eventually under JS there's the JIT engine (like V8). Once I had to debug into the V8 internals to see why some code got the slow path. It's magical to the extent that it is rarely encountered.
Similarly, while Haskell on the surface is a smooth language, the compiler internals and the runtime of GHC is pretty complicated (rewrite rules, blackholing..). These are magical in the same way, that they rarely dealt with directly.
The common thing is, once you hit the "magic barrier", unless you have the willpower to dig deep, you are stuck and have to rely on others to fix your problem. Which is fine sometimes. Other times too costy.
Does that sound good?
I think it sounds reasonable. Again, I'm not actually picking on Javascript in and of itself. I've simply noticed that an apparently significant reason it's "trendy" is because it abstracts away so much at the elementary level, perhaps more than most languages.
The problem isn't that some JS devs are apathetic because JS, but that many apathetic devs use JS because apathy.
Javascript can be used responsibly, and I certainly don't know much about its deeper principles. Thanks for the insight from the other side of the "magic barrier" on that language.
I think your point about the magic barrier is pretty much what I'm saying.
I think we are sort of on the same page here. For me, the real conundrum is the admiration for dynamic properties of JS, however, I can't seem to escape the never ending torrent of articles recommending tools like TypeScript or Flow.js whose sole purpose is to introduce the very thing JS tried to avoid in the first place. I refereed to TypeScript as a tool, since it is just a transpiler to JS, with type checking and probably some other features I'm not aware of.
I have done a lot with React, Node, Bootstrap and Android so I am not speaking on behalf of someone else, or just wittering about. Something has to change, a breakthrough of sort, since this trend is creating chaos and we will eventually lose a whole lot of knowledge when older generations expire. I see Web Assembly as a potential game changer, a much needed alternative to JS in the Web arena.
My viewpoint might seem a bit too dystopian, but has anyone ever cared to imagine what would happen if browsers ceased to exist? The majority of new generation developers would be completely clueless, and the only useful developers left would be the ones that were alive before internet and mobile phones were invented.
First of all, I would like to thank You for writing this article. Secondly, I would also like to state that arguing about languages is beneath me and please don't get offended as I'm only writing about my experience and conveying my own opinion.
I still notice that many people perceive programming comprising Web only technologies like JavaScript, React, Vue, etc. On the other hand, C++ is considered the most complicated all purpose language that is mostly used for high performance and system programming.
First of all, C++ is not so great and you can say what you will, but template hell aside, C is much faster and cleaner language and if low level and embedded is your thing, there's no other language that will make you REALLY understand how memory, threading and CPU works.
If you are in academic circles, doing some extensive calculations, then GPU or OpenCL will be your best friend, and that is also where C is your only option. The only low level language other than C is VHDL, a relatively new language used for FGPA programming.
So called modern programming paradigms apply only for Web and Mobile world since nothing has really changed, apart from new buzzwords that are basically synonyms for algorithms and/or technologies that have been available for quite a while. There are exceptions of course, but in the case of C++, there is really nothing you can do in C++ that you can't do in C. I accept that some will argue against type safety of void pointers and casting issues but the whole point of low level languages is to learn how stuff really works. If you are aware of endianness, padding, byte boundaries and how pointer arithmetic works, you will begin to appreciate the gained knowledge which will outweigh the initial frustrations of C. GDB and Valgrind are exceptional tools and are only getting better (GCC/Clang fsanitize methods).
I welcome the advances in Web realm, but let's not forget that all that JS is compiled and prepared by Node.js, served mostly by some Virtual Machines running on some *NIX distributions, and ALL of that is written in C. Node.js is a combination of C and C++ but it's core part, libuv, is written also in pure C.
I admire people who are mastering JavaScript and Web technologies because, let's be honest, it's chaos out there. JS is constantly being updated and it's really hard to follow, so I applaud you guys and don't take this as me putting C on a pedestal. I'm just to trying to remind everybody that it took a great deal of knowledge to create such a stable and old language, not to mention compilers, optimizations, etc.
Thank You for reading,
Haskell is a special kind of beast :)
I'd simply say that C and C++ have two entirely different applications. (I know 'em both.)
And I never found templates all that scary. Neither did any of my interns. I think that's taste, once again.
On the main topic, though, I agree that if someone puts in the time to master Javascript, that is admirable! Of course, my point (as you already acknowledged, I think), is that too many people use Javascript to avoid mastering programming altogether, and that's a disservice to themselves and the entire industry.
I used templates heavily in one of my projects and never intended to say they were difficult. They are essentially quite easy, but can get quite complex if you add inheritance for example. The most difficult part regarding templates are cryptic and verbose compiler messages. I don't really know if that particular issue has improved or not, since I use C exclusively these days. Nevertheless, I just wanted to say that I understand your point and completely agree with everything you've written in your article.
Great article and very interesting topic!
Regarding this:
"They're the ones who complain about linters and other static analyzers, because they 'just fill the code with a bunch of red sqiggly lines'."
I couldn't agree more!
Good developers (a.k.a. seniors) CARE.
They care about code readability, reliability and performance.
And they DO CARE about the issues flagged by a linter.
This video showcases a simple and clear example of that --> youtu.be/iQC-9qxhfOk
For whatever reason, I was immediately thinking of...
The shade, the shade of it all! 😂
Thank you for this article, you're absolutely right. While the whole world runs on C, young programmers are confused into lazy thinking which is a dead end.
I feel the same, its basically disenchantment all over again.
I like Nim for that reason.