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Sloan the DEV Moderator for CodeNewbie

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What's the Most Enjoyable Part of Your Job?

Get a glimpse into the daily experiences, work routines, and unique perspectives of tech professionals, both novice and experienced alike, in "A Day in the Life."

What's the most enjoyable part of your job?

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Latest comments (2)

khairunnisaas profile image
Khairunnisaas • Edited

the most enjoyable part of my job is a monthly chill chit chat, where me and all my co-workers just leave our works for a moment just to eat some snacks together while chatting casually and joking around... (or some say "spending quality time together"), so all of the dev member on my team is get to know each other better

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

I think the most enjoyable part of my job is helping others to solve their problems and see them come through the otherside. As an engineering manager I am able to help them work the problem and improve their skill set at the same time. The best part being the motivation I can give them to realize they have what they need to solve issues and take on bigger challenges.