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The Dilemma of where and how to use your Energy

The world is so fast-paced no doubt, and you can only think of one thing at a time, or else you will get swept away in the storm of opportunities, and according to them! you should just focus your energy on one thing at a time, so here we go dealing with this little head-scratching dilemma of every day...

  1. Focus on one thing and one thing only: As hard as it may sound I mean for the multi-taskers who are facing issues focusing their energy. The secret ingredient is "focusing on one thing" and after that, you can eventually build on different things with time.

  2. Distractions: I know creating focus can be a difficult task these days and limiting distractions is a thing in the market but at the same time there are just more and more distractions in there as well, so no need to stop your distractions but just "limit them to useful things and tasks". Have your distractions but with at least 70% of them working to help you build what you are trying to build.

  3. The Opportunity variety: The opportunities in the market vary insanely today and some of them not even being very different from the others. The amount of opportunities is huge numbers and this could lead to the mental fog of what to do and what not to do, even mid journey of doing something you might lose sight of where you are going but that could be the interesting part here, situations like this can be tackled in a lot of ways and some of the ways is "knowing that its the right path and that mental fog is just the part of it". Not knowing exactly where you are going can be exhausting but it sometimes acts as a test as well (if before beginning you were sure that this exact thing is what you want in life) then this mental fog can come as a test of your will, so be proud and strengthen your skill more and more and you will be out of that uncomfortable fog in no time.

Hope this reading came of some use to you...
Enjoy :)

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