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Cover image for How I Built User Profile Interfaces using Tailwind CSS

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How I Built User Profile Interfaces using Tailwind CSS

Hey, there!
This is Kenn again, Your Daily Advocate, and Friend from CodeWithKenn!


In this article, You'll learn and get the source code I promise 😅!
Discover an easier way to create simple user Social Media Profiles using Tailwind CSS.

Make sure you have checked my previous Tailwind CSS articles in this link to see another card design I've made.

Before starting:

  • I'm using TailwindCSS Playground to make things easier (Link below)

  • I've added the font in the CSS file

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

* {
  font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Let's goooooooooooooooo!

Design Concept

Our Card is made of three parts:

  • The Picture (Image)

  • The Description

  • The Footer made of Social media icons

And also, we're gonna combine all the cards in a Grid System.

CSS Grid is a two-dimensional grid system used to work on the layout of UI elements and segments of a webpage. The Grid comprises horizontal and vertical lines to form rows and columns, much like a table.


Code Snippets

Single Profile Tailwind Design

<div class="">
    <div class="max-w-sm h-auto mx-auto my-20 rounded-md overflow-hidden shadow-lg">
      <img class="object-cover rounded-full h-36 w-36 mx-auto m-1 p-1 border-4 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

      <div class="px-6 py-4">
        <div class="flex flex-col">
          <div class="font-bold text-xl text-center text-gray-800 hover:text-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer">Helena Wang</div>
          <p class="text-gray-600 text-sm text-center">Product Designer</p>
        <div class="flex flex-row justify-center font-semibold mx-auto my-4">
          <div class="my-auto text-white bg-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-600 hover:cursor-pointer rounded-3xl py-2 px-4 mx-2">Follow</div>
          <div class="my-auto text-gray-800 py-1 px-4 border-2 border-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-white rounded-3xl mx-2">Message</div>

      <div class="flex flex-row justify-center">
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

        <h4 class="text-sm text-center my-2 font-semibold text-gray-700">About me</h4>
        <p class="text-xs mx-6 text-justify">I specialize in designing and developing user interfaces and digital products. I don’t restrict myself to design.</p>
      <div class="bg-pink-500 text-white mt-5 px-6 pt-4 pb-2 flex flex-row justify-center">
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-facebook" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M16 8.049c0-4.446-3.582-8.05-8-8.05C3.58 0-.002 3.603-.002 8.05c0 4.017 2.926 7.347 6.75 7.951v-5.625h-2.03V8.05H6.75V6.275c0-2.017 1.195-3.131 3.022-3.131.876 0 1.791.157 1.791.157v1.98h-1.009c-.993 0-1.303.621-1.303 1.258v1.51h2.218l-.354 2.326H9.25V16c3.824-.604 6.75-3.934 6.75-7.951z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-linkedin" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M0 1.146C0 .513.526 0 1.175 0h13.65C15.474 0 16 .513 16 1.146v13.708c0 .633-.526 1.146-1.175 1.146H1.175C.526 16 0 15.487 0 14.854V1.146zm4.943 12.248V6.169H2.542v7.225h2.401zm-1.2-8.212c.837 0 1.358-.554 1.358-1.248-.015-.709-.52-1.248-1.342-1.248-.822 0-1.359.54-1.359 1.248 0 .694.521 1.248 1.327 1.248h.016zm4.908 8.212V9.359c0-.216.016-.432.08-.586.173-.431.568-.878 1.232-.878.869 0 1.216.662 1.216 1.634v3.865h2.401V9.25c0-2.22-1.184-3.252-2.764-3.252-1.274 0-1.845.7-2.165 1.193v.025h-.016a5.54 5.54 0 0 1 .016-.025V6.169h-2.4c.03.678 0 7.225 0 7.225h2.4z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">LinkedIn</h5>
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-twitter" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M5.026 15c6.038 0 9.341-5.003 9.341-9.334 0-.14 0-.282-.006-.422A6.685 6.685 0 0 0 16 3.542a6.658 6.658 0 0 1-1.889.518 3.301 3.301 0 0 0 1.447-1.817 6.533 6.533 0 0 1-2.087.793A3.286 3.286 0 0 0 7.875 6.03a9.325 9.325 0 0 1-6.767-3.429 3.289 3.289 0 0 0 1.018 4.382A3.323 3.323 0 0 1 .64 6.575v.045a3.288 3.288 0 0 0 2.632 3.218 3.203 3.203 0 0 1-.865.115 3.23 3.23 0 0 1-.614-.057 3.283 3.283 0 0 0 3.067 2.277A6.588 6.588 0 0 1 .78 13.58a6.32 6.32 0 0 1-.78-.045A9.344 9.344 0 0 0 5.026 15z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode



Multiple Cards Tailwind Design

<div class="">
  <div class="">
    <div class="max-w-sm h-auto mx-auto my-20 rounded-md overflow-hidden shadow-lg">
      <img class="object-cover rounded-full h-36 w-36 mx-auto m-1 p-1 border-4 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

      <div class="px-6 py-4">
        <div class="flex flex-col">
          <div class="font-bold text-xl text-center text-gray-800 hover:text-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer">Helena Wang</div>
          <p class="text-gray-600 text-sm text-center">Product Designer</p>
        <div class="flex flex-row justify-center font-semibold mx-auto my-4">
          <div class="my-auto text-white bg-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-600 hover:cursor-pointer rounded-3xl py-2 px-4 mx-2">Follow</div>
          <div class="my-auto text-gray-800 py-1 px-4 border-2 border-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-white rounded-3xl mx-2">Message</div>

      <div class="flex flex-row justify-center">
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

        <h4 class="text-sm text-center my-2 font-semibold text-gray-700">About me</h4>
        <p class="text-xs mx-6 text-justify">I specialize in designing and developing user interfaces and digital products. I don’t restrict myself to design.</p>
      <div class="bg-pink-500 text-white mt-5 px-6 pt-4 pb-2 flex flex-row justify-center">
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-facebook" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M16 8.049c0-4.446-3.582-8.05-8-8.05C3.58 0-.002 3.603-.002 8.05c0 4.017 2.926 7.347 6.75 7.951v-5.625h-2.03V8.05H6.75V6.275c0-2.017 1.195-3.131 3.022-3.131.876 0 1.791.157 1.791.157v1.98h-1.009c-.993 0-1.303.621-1.303 1.258v1.51h2.218l-.354 2.326H9.25V16c3.824-.604 6.75-3.934 6.75-7.951z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-linkedin" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M0 1.146C0 .513.526 0 1.175 0h13.65C15.474 0 16 .513 16 1.146v13.708c0 .633-.526 1.146-1.175 1.146H1.175C.526 16 0 15.487 0 14.854V1.146zm4.943 12.248V6.169H2.542v7.225h2.401zm-1.2-8.212c.837 0 1.358-.554 1.358-1.248-.015-.709-.52-1.248-1.342-1.248-.822 0-1.359.54-1.359 1.248 0 .694.521 1.248 1.327 1.248h.016zm4.908 8.212V9.359c0-.216.016-.432.08-.586.173-.431.568-.878 1.232-.878.869 0 1.216.662 1.216 1.634v3.865h2.401V9.25c0-2.22-1.184-3.252-2.764-3.252-1.274 0-1.845.7-2.165 1.193v.025h-.016a5.54 5.54 0 0 1 .016-.025V6.169h-2.4c.03.678 0 7.225 0 7.225h2.4z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">LinkedIn</h5>
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-twitter" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M5.026 15c6.038 0 9.341-5.003 9.341-9.334 0-.14 0-.282-.006-.422A6.685 6.685 0 0 0 16 3.542a6.658 6.658 0 0 1-1.889.518 3.301 3.301 0 0 0 1.447-1.817 6.533 6.533 0 0 1-2.087.793A3.286 3.286 0 0 0 7.875 6.03a9.325 9.325 0 0 1-6.767-3.429 3.289 3.289 0 0 0 1.018 4.382A3.323 3.323 0 0 1 .64 6.575v.045a3.288 3.288 0 0 0 2.632 3.218 3.203 3.203 0 0 1-.865.115 3.23 3.23 0 0 1-.614-.057 3.283 3.283 0 0 0 3.067 2.277A6.588 6.588 0 0 1 .78 13.58a6.32 6.32 0 0 1-.78-.045A9.344 9.344 0 0 0 5.026 15z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
  <div class="">
    <div class="max-w-sm h-auto mx-auto my-20 rounded-md overflow-hidden shadow-lg">
      <img class="object-cover rounded-full h-36 w-36 mx-auto m-1 p-1 border-4 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Pexel" />

      <div class="px-6 py-4">
        <div class="flex flex-col">
          <div class="font-bold text-xl text-center text-gray-800 hover:text-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer">Helena Wang</div>
          <p class="text-gray-600 text-sm text-center">Product Designer</p>
        <div class="flex flex-row justify-center font-semibold mx-auto my-4">
          <div class="my-auto text-white bg-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-600 hover:cursor-pointer rounded-3xl py-2 px-4 mx-2">Follow</div>
          <div class="my-auto text-gray-800 py-1 px-4 border-2 border-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-white rounded-3xl mx-2">Message</div>

      <div class="flex flex-row justify-center">
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

        <h4 class="text-sm text-center my-2 font-semibold text-gray-700">About me</h4>
        <p class="text-xs mx-6 text-justify">I specialize in designing and developing user interfaces and digital products. I don’t restrict myself to design.</p>
      <div class="bg-pink-500 text-white mt-5 px-6 pt-4 pb-2 flex flex-row justify-center">
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-facebook" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M16 8.049c0-4.446-3.582-8.05-8-8.05C3.58 0-.002 3.603-.002 8.05c0 4.017 2.926 7.347 6.75 7.951v-5.625h-2.03V8.05H6.75V6.275c0-2.017 1.195-3.131 3.022-3.131.876 0 1.791.157 1.791.157v1.98h-1.009c-.993 0-1.303.621-1.303 1.258v1.51h2.218l-.354 2.326H9.25V16c3.824-.604 6.75-3.934 6.75-7.951z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-linkedin" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M0 1.146C0 .513.526 0 1.175 0h13.65C15.474 0 16 .513 16 1.146v13.708c0 .633-.526 1.146-1.175 1.146H1.175C.526 16 0 15.487 0 14.854V1.146zm4.943 12.248V6.169H2.542v7.225h2.401zm-1.2-8.212c.837 0 1.358-.554 1.358-1.248-.015-.709-.52-1.248-1.342-1.248-.822 0-1.359.54-1.359 1.248 0 .694.521 1.248 1.327 1.248h.016zm4.908 8.212V9.359c0-.216.016-.432.08-.586.173-.431.568-.878 1.232-.878.869 0 1.216.662 1.216 1.634v3.865h2.401V9.25c0-2.22-1.184-3.252-2.764-3.252-1.274 0-1.845.7-2.165 1.193v.025h-.016a5.54 5.54 0 0 1 .016-.025V6.169h-2.4c.03.678 0 7.225 0 7.225h2.4z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">LinkedIn</h5>
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            <path d="M5.026 15c6.038 0 9.341-5.003 9.341-9.334 0-.14 0-.282-.006-.422A6.685 6.685 0 0 0 16 3.542a6.658 6.658 0 0 1-1.889.518 3.301 3.301 0 0 0 1.447-1.817 6.533 6.533 0 0 1-2.087.793A3.286 3.286 0 0 0 7.875 6.03a9.325 9.325 0 0 1-6.767-3.429 3.289 3.289 0 0 0 1.018 4.382A3.323 3.323 0 0 1 .64 6.575v.045a3.288 3.288 0 0 0 2.632 3.218 3.203 3.203 0 0 1-.865.115 3.23 3.23 0 0 1-.614-.057 3.283 3.283 0 0 0 3.067 2.277A6.588 6.588 0 0 1 .78 13.58a6.32 6.32 0 0 1-.78-.045A9.344 9.344 0 0 0 5.026 15z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
  <div class="">
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      <img class="object-cover rounded-full h-36 w-36 mx-auto m-1 p-1 border-4 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

      <div class="px-6 py-4">
        <div class="flex flex-col">
          <div class="font-bold text-xl text-center text-gray-800 hover:text-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer">Helena Wang</div>
          <p class="text-gray-600 text-sm text-center">Product Designer</p>
        <div class="flex flex-row justify-center font-semibold mx-auto my-4">
          <div class="my-auto text-white bg-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-600 hover:cursor-pointer rounded-3xl py-2 px-4 mx-2">Follow</div>
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      <div class="flex flex-row justify-center">
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

        <h4 class="text-sm text-center my-2 font-semibold text-gray-700">About me</h4>
        <p class="text-xs mx-6 text-justify">I specialize in designing and developing user interfaces and digital products. I don’t restrict myself to design.</p>
      <div class="bg-pink-500 text-white mt-5 px-6 pt-4 pb-2 flex flex-row justify-center">
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-facebook" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M16 8.049c0-4.446-3.582-8.05-8-8.05C3.58 0-.002 3.603-.002 8.05c0 4.017 2.926 7.347 6.75 7.951v-5.625h-2.03V8.05H6.75V6.275c0-2.017 1.195-3.131 3.022-3.131.876 0 1.791.157 1.791.157v1.98h-1.009c-.993 0-1.303.621-1.303 1.258v1.51h2.218l-.354 2.326H9.25V16c3.824-.604 6.75-3.934 6.75-7.951z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
        <div class="flex flex-row mx-1 hover:cursor-pointer">
          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-linkedin" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M0 1.146C0 .513.526 0 1.175 0h13.65C15.474 0 16 .513 16 1.146v13.708c0 .633-.526 1.146-1.175 1.146H1.175C.526 16 0 15.487 0 14.854V1.146zm4.943 12.248V6.169H2.542v7.225h2.401zm-1.2-8.212c.837 0 1.358-.554 1.358-1.248-.015-.709-.52-1.248-1.342-1.248-.822 0-1.359.54-1.359 1.248 0 .694.521 1.248 1.327 1.248h.016zm4.908 8.212V9.359c0-.216.016-.432.08-.586.173-.431.568-.878 1.232-.878.869 0 1.216.662 1.216 1.634v3.865h2.401V9.25c0-2.22-1.184-3.252-2.764-3.252-1.274 0-1.845.7-2.165 1.193v.025h-.016a5.54 5.54 0 0 1 .016-.025V6.169h-2.4c.03.678 0 7.225 0 7.225h2.4z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">LinkedIn</h5>
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          <svg xmlns="" class="mx-2" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-twitter" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
            <path d="M5.026 15c6.038 0 9.341-5.003 9.341-9.334 0-.14 0-.282-.006-.422A6.685 6.685 0 0 0 16 3.542a6.658 6.658 0 0 1-1.889.518 3.301 3.301 0 0 0 1.447-1.817 6.533 6.533 0 0 1-2.087.793A3.286 3.286 0 0 0 7.875 6.03a9.325 9.325 0 0 1-6.767-3.429 3.289 3.289 0 0 0 1.018 4.382A3.323 3.323 0 0 1 .64 6.575v.045a3.288 3.288 0 0 0 2.632 3.218 3.203 3.203 0 0 1-.865.115 3.23 3.23 0 0 1-.614-.057 3.283 3.283 0 0 0 3.067 2.277A6.588 6.588 0 0 1 .78 13.58a6.32 6.32 0 0 1-.78-.045A9.344 9.344 0 0 0 5.026 15z" />
          <h5 class="my-auto text-sm">Facebook</h5>
  <div class="">
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      <img class="object-cover rounded-full h-36 w-36 mx-auto m-1 p-1 border-4 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

      <div class="px-6 py-4">
        <div class="flex flex-col">
          <div class="font-bold text-xl text-center text-gray-800 hover:text-pink-500 hover:cursor-pointer">Helena Wang</div>
          <p class="text-gray-600 text-sm text-center">Product Designer</p>
        <div class="flex flex-row justify-center font-semibold mx-auto my-4">
          <div class="my-auto text-white bg-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-600 hover:cursor-pointer rounded-3xl py-2 px-4 mx-2">Follow</div>
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      <div class="flex flex-row justify-center">
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />
        <img class="object-cover hover:cursor-pointer rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-3 p-0.5 border-2 border-pink-600" src="" alt="Human Picture by Ike louie Natividad" />

        <h4 class="text-sm text-center my-2 font-semibold text-gray-700">About me</h4>
        <p class="text-xs mx-6 text-justify">I specialize in designing and developing user interfaces and digital products. I don’t restrict myself to design.</p>
      <div class="bg-pink-500 text-white mt-5 px-6 pt-4 pb-2 flex flex-row justify-center">
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Multiple Cards Tailwind Design using Grid System

Very Simple! Just add the grid grid-cols-2 class in the first div.

<div class="grid grid-cols-2">
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Tailwind CSS Playground Link


⚡ You can get the Source Code here 👉 Link to Tailwind Play

TailwindCSS Related Resources

TailwindCSS Official Docs

TailwindCSS Lab Youtube

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