🎉 Happy New Year!

📰 Our latest newsletter just dropped, you can read it here:
And ofc, here's updates since the newsletter went out, and if you have anything to add, comment below or email contact@codinggrace.com and I can add it our future newsletters:
- Announcements
- CFPs
- Diversity in Tech News
- Resources to share
- Opportunities
- and moar...
🤩 Want to share this post about "75 brilliant Irish women entrepreneurs going for growth in 2022".

📚 Here's some old skool coding books from Usborne, from BASIC to robots, keyboards and music, machine code, and more! Check out the 80s (nostalgia for some) at https://usborne.com/gb/books/computer-and-coding-books
📺 And someone made a Teletext Archive! You can browse the archive, I remember looking up weather, game cheats, latest news headlines back in them days. 😆 Check it out at https://archive.teletextarchaeologist.org

📖 One of our directors, Andrea Magnorsky, shared Hacking Diversity: The Politics Of Inclusion In Open Technology Cultures where
examines contemporary efforts to make hackerspaces and open source software communities more diverse and inclusive, and identifies the challenges faced by those spearheading these efforts.

Wow, came across Jupyter Games - Ipycanvas + Box2D -- this is making games on Jupyter! Curious? Check it out at https://blog.jupyter.org/jupyter-games-cda20dc15a21

ENFUSE - Applications Open
ENFUSE matches local enterprises and social enterprises with teams of masters level university and college students. During semester 2 (January-May) as part of a module, students work in teams typically of 4-6 members with selected enterprises.
- Submission Deadline for Applications: 23:59, 23/01/2022
- https://www.localenterprise.ie/DublinCity/News/Press-Releases/ENFUSE%202022%20Open%20For%20Applications.html
Teamwork Catalyst - Applications Open
Teamwork Catalyst is a SaaS incubator for early stage startups. The incubator is housed here in Republic of Work and benefits from everything the ROW community has to offer, this includes desk space, WiFi and coffee - completely free!

Upcoming Events
You can check out latest upcoming events at our events listings - if we are missing anything
👉 drop us an email at contact@codinggrace.com, or
👉 tweet @CodingGrace, or
👉 ping us via the comments below
(Global) TIPE 3D Printing | 2022 (Powered by Women in 3D Printing)
- When: January 18-20
- https://www.tipe3dprinting.com
Don't forget... free or cheaper tix to DeveloperWeek
More details via our community partner post:

Coding Grace - Community Partner with Developer Week 2022
whykay 👩🏻💻🐈🏳️🌈 (she/her) for Coding Grace Foundation ・ Jan 6 '22
I'll be updating this article this month (and add to comments below as well).
Top comments (3)
📢 Women Developer Academy Europe Application is now open
📢 Outreachy seeking mentors for May 2022 internships
🙌🏿 Internships run May 30 to August 26, 2022
🗓 Techstars Startup Weekend Women Dublin Online