DEV Community

Colby Garland
Colby Garland

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Using TypeScript Interface in React Components

One of my favorite parts of writing React components with TypeScript is interfacing all of my components.

Take a simple component:

export const MyButton = (props) => {
  return <button class={props.type} id={}>{props.title}</button>
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So our component, <MyButton /> takes a type, an id, and a title. This is fine, however if I was importing this component into another file, how would my editor know what props this component takes?

Enter interface.

interface MyButtonProps {
  id: number;
  type: string;
  title: string;
export const MyButton = (props: MyButtonProps) => {
  return <button class={props.type} id={}>{props.title}</button>
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Now, when we import this component into another file, VS Code will know what props this component has. 🎉

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