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Catalogue of CLI commands and IDE keyboard shortcuts for a growing Developer

📓 📓 📓

So, I keep a running catalog of nearly every useful CLI command and IDE keyboard shortcut I discover in a markdown file and it has not only optimized my development speed but saved me countless repeated stack overflow queries. (currently at 156 entries)

I decided to host the file as a simple GitHub Pages site here:

I did a little formatting and added a legend at the top for anyone who thinks this might help them, but it is still very much a rough "note" page*...

*My secret is that I actually spent way too much time exploring (and failing...) at hosting/rendering a markdown file:

**But, it was an opportunity I used to explore new things too.

  1. First time using .Net and React together to leverage a C# Library called Markdig and Markdig.ColorCode for making a Markdown Pipeline Builder to send a .md file through System.IO.File as a property of a Class and render to page. (abandoned with GitHub Pages Jekyll build failure...) ❌

  2. Using Next.js and their MDX package (.mdx) to embed markdown syntax alongside JSX and style with TailwindCSS (abandoned with un-ending could not parse expression with acorn JS expression render errors...) ❌

  3. Using vanilla React and the React-Markdown library which is just a react component where the dev can wrap raw markdown syntax inside of JSX (same issue as above with Next.js. Basically, the React markdown processing gets messed up when there are too many curly braces for it to parse) ❌

  4. Hosting a static page with Amazon S3 (was hoping I could host a markdown file as an object in the bucket but turns out .md files are significantly larger than .html files...) ❌

  5. Hosted a public repo with a single file (my markdown notes file) and renamed the file to README so GitHub Pages would host it as the front page of the static site ✅😅

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Visualizing Promises and Async/Await 🤓

async await

☝️ Check out this all-time classic DEV post on visualizing Promises and Async/Await 🤓