React is a JavaScript library that lets you create a prime UI for both mobile and web applications. It integrates seamlessly with other JavaScript ...
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I prefer react-query than swr
swr would win if you are working with NextJS
react-query is around 50kb and swr is around 15kb. Both do the same thing, do the math.
react-query.tanstack.com/comparison check comparison
They seem to be birds of the same flock
React has already a huge number of component libraries and the number keeps growing. New projects kick-in and others become legacy.
I didn't know about existence of FluenUI and Grommet. Thanks for the info!
For those, like me, having hard time evaluating and choosing the right library, I created a project Moiva.io
You can quickly compare all the React component libraries from this article at a glance: moiva.io/?npm=@chakra-ui/react+@fl...
Wow, what a mess of picks. Feels like the author has no ties to the real world making React applications.
First, Semantic UI is basically dead. The react library is somewhat alive only thanks to the legacy projects updates. The core library behind it is dead. There is a fork of the core Semantic UI library, but IIRC it is set up to be dead as well.
Second, there are a lot of UI libraries and this is not the TOP, for sure. Material UI is being used quite often, bootstrap is no longer that popular in SPA department.
Next, Zustend, Rebass.. not even "popular", at all. Again, no real top libraries are here: emotion js, react-helmet...
Fluent UI 👎
I have an alternate to this
Check this out
Thanks for this great article. Frontend seems to have too many to deal with.
I'm new to react coming from express. Where can I learn react-query?
If you want I can write a dedicated article on that. Till then my advice would be to go for YouTube. You will learn react query much faster that way.
Thanks for the referral.
Honestly, I prefer to see a better option to Redux
You can use MobX instead of Redux.
The Net Ninja has a series on YouTube on it.
I'm building something that will help you create beautiful interfaces for your web apps, SaaS, or admin dashboards quickly just by copy-paste.
It’s for React and non-react developers, and for freelancers, hackers, and entrepreneurs.
If you are interested to take a look : frontendor.com/webappui
Chakra UI all the way
Chakra UI and Grommet are best UI libraries for react.
You'll have to read the doc 🙂
I also came here to support SWR. The libraries look very similar
Haha, yes ! Sorry, I actually tried to reply to the next comment from jerevick83... I guess morning coffee is not a great moment to reply on dev.to !
Wow, great post! My favorite React library to use is Ant Design. I actually used ant.design to build a site I just launched: bitcoinforecast.io
That's awesome man!
I missed Valtio. Simple new global state management?
React query
what about Recoil recoiljs.org/
very few is talking about this library but I find this extremely simple & useful, might wanna checkout ✌
11 in 2021 Redux needs to be changed to MobX..)
Thanks for the heads up!
It is worth mentioning that Immer (github.com/immerjs/immer) is the ideal companion for Zustand!
Thanks for the article
Ofcourse! Thanks buddy
styled-components can also be considered
Updating the article with some most used libraries.
Never mix material-ui with react-hook-form. It will only give you headaches
Thanks for the heads up buddy!
Have you tried Bootstrap v5? They dropped jQuery support
Haven't tried yet. Will definately check it out.
Syncfusion library missing here syncfusion.com/react-ui-components
Thanks for the info buddy!
Thank you! Will definitely implement some of these in my upcoming projects!
Your Most Welcome :)
when I start with zustand and react-query I'm stop using redux
It is what it is!
worth to try for free coreui.io/react/ui-components/
Thanks for the info man! I will make sure to update the article.
Good collection
Thank You :)
Redux and Semantic in 2021. LMAO
Thanks for the reply man! I will make sure I check it out :)