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Discussion on: How to make a task list using SwiftUI and Core Data

cpiersigilli profile image
Cesare Piersigilli

Thank you. It is very difficult, for me. Could you tell me how to extract the methods from your TaskList, since I don't think I can do it?

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maeganwilson_ profile image
Maegan Wilson • Edited

Here's a branch of the original project with what you're looking to do that's been implemented.

Create a new file with the functions like this one linked here.

In the ContentView.struct file, add let core_data_helper = CoreDataHelper(). Then in the button's actions, call the functions from core_data_helper.

Here's an example of addTask():

Button(action: {
    self.core_data_helper.addTask(self.taskName, context: self.context)
    Text("Add Task")

Here's a link to what ContentView.swift should look like.

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cpiersigilli profile image
Cesare Piersigilli

Great solution. But, wanting to move from ContentView to CoreDataHelper:
@Environment(.managedObjectContext) var context
entity: Task.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Task.dateAdded, ascending: false)],
predicate: NSPredicate(format: "isComplete == %@", NSNumber(value: false))
) var notCompletedTasks: FetchedResults
How can it be done?
It's possible?
Thank you.

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maeganwilson_ profile image
Maegan Wilson

You can, but the @Environment and @FetchRequest are used with SwiftUI views. I wouldn't move the @Environment to make sure that there is a context associated with the view. I also like to leave my FetchRequests in the view because that's where I need the data to be viewed.

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cpiersigilli profile image
Cesare Piersigilli

Your explanation convinced me. Thank you.