These are some links that I keep coming back to so I'm collecting them in a single place for future reference.
Table of Contents
- SOLID Go Design
- Dependency Injection in a nutshell
- Ultimate Go Training GitHub repo
- Defer, Panic, and Recover
- Intro to generics
- Go Naming Conventions
- Go Proverbs
- Organizing Database Access in Go
- Should I use sync.Mutex or a channel?
- Why mocking is likely becoming messy, complicated, and bloated (from Learn Go with Testing)
Mocks aren't Stubs by Martin Fowler
- Gerard Meszaros's distinction between different "Test Doubles":
- Gerard Meszaros's distinction between different "Test Doubles":
- The Practical Test Pyramid
- Orthodoxy and Nationalism: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Abba Moses Refusing to Judge His Brother
- A certain brother committed an offence in Scete, the camp of the monks, and when a congregation was assembled on this matter, they sent after Abba Moses, but he refused to come; then they sent the priest of the church to him, saying, "Come, for all the people are expecting you," and he rose up and came. He took a basket with a hole in it and filled it with sand, and carried it upon his shoulders, and those who went out to meet him said unto him, "What does this mean, O father?" And he said to them, "The sands are my sins which are running down behind me and I cannot see them, and, even, have come to this day to judge shortcomings which are not mine." And when they heard this they set free that brother and said nothing further to him.
Quote from St. John Climicus' Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 5.30
- “Do not be surprised that you fall every day; do not give up, but stand your ground courageously. And assuredly the angel who guards you will honour your patience. While a wound is still fresh and warm it is easy to heal, but old, neglected and festering ones are hard to cure, and require for their care much treatment, cutting, plastering and cauterization. Many from long neglect become incurable. But with God all things are possible [Matthew 19:26].
Saying of Abba Mius
- "A soldier asked Abba Mius if God accepted repentance. After the old man had taught him many things he said, 'Tell me, my dear, if your cloak is torn, do you throw it away?' He replied, 'No, I mend it and use it again.' The old man said to him, 'If you are so careful about your cloak, will not God be equally careful about his creature?'
- Meeting Michelle: Pastoral and Theological Reflections on a Transgender Inmate - Public Orthodoxy
Race Relations
- Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Resources for Racial Reconciliation
- Micah Bournes
- The Danger of a Single Story (18:46)
- How to Make Meaningful Change (for white guys like me)
- Americanah (Fiction Book)
- Race, Identity, and Reconciliation (Book)
- Police: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (33:32)
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