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Vladislav Rybakov
Vladislav Rybakov

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A Beginner's Guide to Testing: Security, Failover, Recovery


Welcome to the third post in our series on the best testing practices for backend services. In the previous installments, we delved into the fundamentals of testing, including unit, acceptance, and smoke testing, as well as more advanced techniques like integration, performance, and fuzz testing.

Once you've thoroughly tested your code and ensured that your system is performing optimally, it's crucial to safeguard against potential disasters and ensure that your system can recover quickly in the event of an outage. These disasters can take many forms, from natural disasters and cyberattacks to hardware failures and human errors. To prepare for such events, it's essential to implement various tests that fall into several categories, including security, recovery, and failover testing.

While these testing practices can be complex and highly specific to each service, I aim to provide readers with a high-level overview of each type, allowing them to consider these techniques and tailor them to their projects. So, let's dive in and explore the importance of disaster recovery testing for your backend services.

Potential Disasters

Let's start by identifying the various types of disasters that can wreak havoc on your backend services, along with their consequences.

  • Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, unrestrained dogs (yes, it's happened before!), and wildfires can cause physical damage to data centers, power outages, and disruptions to network connectivity.
  • Cyberattacks: Cyberattacks such as viruses, malware, and ransomware can compromise system security, steal data, and disrupt services.
  • Hardware failures: Hardware failures such as hard drive crashes, power supply failures, and network interface card failures can cause service disruptions or data loss.
  • Human errors: Human errors such as accidental deletion of data, misconfiguration of systems, and improper handling of equipment can cause service disruptions or data loss.

Security testing

Securing your system is paramount because an insecure system can compromise sensitive user and business data, providing hackers with unauthorized access to payment systems and enabling them to steal money and other valuable assets.

Security testing is a crucial process for evaluating your system's security posture, identifying vulnerabilities, and mitigating potential risks. This testing is necessary to ensure that your system's security measures are robust enough to protect against attacks. Security testing is an integral part of the software development lifecycle, as it helps to ensure that sensitive information remains secure throughout the development process.

By conducting security testing, you can identify security vulnerabilities and flaws in your system, such as unsecured APIs, weak passwords, or flawed authentication mechanisms. Once identified, you can address these vulnerabilities and implement appropriate security measures to mitigate any potential risks to your system.

Examples of security testing

Various types of security testing can be implemented to evaluate a system's security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and mitigate potential risks. Here are some examples of security testing practices:

Penetration testing

This type of security testing involves simulating an attack on a system to identify potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker. Penetration testing helps assess the effectiveness of existing security measures and identify gaps in the system's defenses. By identifying vulnerabilities before a real attack occurs, you can take proactive steps to mitigate the risks and enhance your system's overall security.

Vulnerability scanning

Vulnerability scanning involves using automated tools to scan a system for vulnerabilities. The process scans the system for known vulnerabilities, such as unpatched software or configurations that are susceptible to attack. By conducting regular vulnerability scans, you can stay informed about potential security risks and take proactive measures to address them before they can be exploited.

Threat modeling

Threat modeling is the process of identifying potential threats to a system and designing security measures to protect against them. This involves identifying potential attack vectors and designing security measures to mitigate them. By identifying potential threats early in the development process, you can design your security measures to be more effective and less costly.

Security audits

Security audits involve reviewing a system's security policies, procedures, and controls to ensure that they are effective and comply with industry standards and regulations. Security audits can be conducted internally or externally by third-party auditors. By reviewing your system's security measures, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your security practices comply with industry standards and regulations.

Automation of security testing

Automating security testing can be an effective way to save time and reduce costs associated with manual testing. Some of the most popular tools for automating security testing include OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, and Metasploit. These tools offer automated vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and other security tests. However, it is important to note that automated testing should not entirely replace manual testing. While automated testing can identify a broad range of vulnerabilities, it may miss specific issues that require a more comprehensive human assessment. Therefore, it is important to use both automated and manual testing in tandem to ensure that your system is thoroughly tested for security risks and vulnerabilities.

Failover testing

Failover testing is a type of testing that focuses on verifying the ability of a system to switch to a backup system in the event of a failure. It is a critical part of disaster recovery planning, ensuring that a system can recover quickly and continue to operate in the event of a failure.

Failover tests are important for ensuring that a system can recover quickly and continue to operate in the event of a failure. By testing failover scenarios, organisations can identify and address potential issues before they occur, minimising downtime and reducing the risk of data loss. Failover testing can also help organisations meet regulatory compliance requirements, such as those related to disaster recovery planning.

Failover testing is commonly used in systems that require high availability and uptime, such as databases, web applications, and cloud services.

Examples of failover testing scenarios

Here are some types and examples of failover testing practices:

Active-Passive Failover Testing

In this type of failover testing, one system is active, while the other is passive. When the active system fails, the passive system takes over automatically. This type of testing is commonly used in server clusters, where one server is active, and the other is passive.

Active-Active Failover Testing

In this type of failover testing, both systems are active, and they share the load between them. When one system fails, the other system takes over the load. This type of testing is commonly used in load balancers.

Hardware Failover Testing

In this type of failover testing, the testing team simulates a hardware failure in the system. For example, if the system has two servers, the team might simulate a failure in one of the servers to test the failover process.

Network Failover Testing

In this type of failover testing, the testing team simulates a network failure in the system. For example, if the system has two data centers, the team might simulate a network outage in one of the data centers to test the failover process.

More specific examples of failover testing include:

  • Testing the failover of a primary database server to a secondary server in the event of a hardware failure or network outage.
  • Testing the failover of a web application to a backup server in the event of a server failure or network outage.
  • Testing the failover of a cloud service to a secondary data center in the event of a regional outage.

Automation of failover testing

Failover testing can be automated using a variety of tools and techniques. One common approach is to use virtualization or containerization technologies to simulate failover scenarios in a testing environment. This allows organizations to test failover scenarios without impacting production systems. Other techniques for automating failover testing include:

  • Using load balancers to simulate failover events
  • Simulating network outages and hardware failures using software tools
  • Implementing continuous integration and delivery pipelines that include failover testing as part of the testing process.

Recovery testing

Recovery testing is a type of testing that is focused on determining how well a system can recover from various types of failures. The goal of recovery testing is to ensure that the system is resilient and can recover quickly and completely from errors and failures.

Recovery testing is important because it helps to ensure that the system is reliable and resilient. It can also help to identify potential weaknesses and areas for improvement in the system's recovery capabilities. By performing recovery testing, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss, downtime, and other issues that can result from system failures.

Examples of recovery testing

By simulating different failure scenarios, organizations can identify and address potential issues before they occur, minimizing downtime and reducing the risk of data loss. Some examples of recovery testing include:

Simulating hardware failures

Recovery testing can involve simulating the failure of hardware components such as disk drives, memory, and network interfaces to verify that the system can continue to operate with minimal disruption.

Simulating network failures

Recovery testing can involve simulating network outages, latency, and other issues to ensure that the system can continue to operate even when there are network connectivity issues.

Simulating software crashes

Recovery testing can involve simulating software crashes, such as database failures or application crashes, to ensure that the system can recover quickly and that data is not lost.

Other types of failures

Recovery testing can also involve simulating other types of failures that may occur in a real-world environment, such as power outages or natural disasters.

Automation of recovery testing

Automating recovery testing can be an excellent practice, as it saves time and reduces the risk of human error in executing tests. Automated testing can be achieved by writing scripts that periodically launch and run recovery tests. However, it's important to remember that automated testing should not replace manual testing entirely, since manual testing can identify risks and issues that automated testing may miss.

In the continuous integration and deployment process, recovery testing plays a critical role in ensuring that the system can recover quickly and continue operating after a failure. However, it's important to understand that recovery testing may require additional resources and time compared to other types of testing, which can impact the speed of the CI/CD pipeline. Therefore, it's recommended to strike a balance between manual and automated testing and allocate sufficient resources for recovery testing to ensure the system's resilience.

Examples of tools that can be used for automating recovery testing include Jenkins, Selenium, and TestComplete. These tools can automate the process of executing recovery tests and can also help with reporting and analysis of test results.


In conclusion, security, recovery, and failover testing are crucial components of the software development process. Security testing helps identify vulnerabilities and risks in the system, ensuring that the system can withstand potential attacks. Recovery testing ensures that the system can recover quickly and continue operating after a failure, while failover testing tests the ability of the system to switch to a backup system in the event of a failure. Automating these types of testing can save time and reduce the risk of human error, but it should not replace manual testing entirely. Striking a balance between manual and automated testing is crucial to ensure the system's resilience. By incorporating these testing practices into the software development lifecycle, organizations can minimize downtime, reduce the risk of data loss, and meet regulatory compliance requirements.

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