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One Year of Toronto Ruby

Editor's Note: This blog post was also published on my personal blog.

As we approach November, it's hard to believe that it has been almost one year since our very first Toronto Ruby meetup! It all began as an idea to rebuild the local Ruby meetup scene, and has evolved into a dynamic and vibrant community effort that's met almost every month throughout 2024! It's been such a privilege to be at the helm of this effort, and it's been a rewarding journey filled with learning, collaboration, excitement and a whole lot of passion for the local Ruby and Rails community. I'm grateful for how far we've come, and I'm very excited for what's still to ahead.

We've been really fortunate to be able to host events with a regular cadence and have been able to attract a great audience, as well as excellent speakers presenting a wide range of Ruby and Rails related topics. From newcomers to seasoned developers, it’s been inspiring to see such a diverse group come together each month. The enthusiasm and passion that everyone brings has been a driving force behind this growing community. Seeing everyone connect, share ideas and learn from others has definitely been a highlight!

Reaching the one year mark is a testament to the community and everyone who has taken the time to attend and support our events. I also want to give a special shoutout to our speakers and presenters, who have freely shared their expertise and interests with the group. The meetup would not be as lively and interesting if you all didn't step up to share!

As we look ahead, I'm excited about where we'll go, the places we'll see and all the new and interesting things we'll learn together. Hopefully, we'll have more varied topics and formats, as well as more community events.

As for our one year anniversary, plans are afoot! If you want to come celebrate with us, join our mailing list at Toronto Ruby's website and we'll announce something when we're ready!

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