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What are DevTools?


With learning Javascript I knew there would be a learning curve but Chrome Devtools made the journey that much easier.
Devtools is a tool that can be used to debug and test your code. Have an event listener that isn't working go to DevTools, want to see what data is being passed along go to DevTools.


Break Points became one of my new best friends. A breakpoint is a point in the code where you want to stop and see what is going on. I would often use a breakpoint to pause my code and go over to the console and console.log a value to see what data was going point to point.

Stepping Through Breakpoints

Sometimes when writing code I want to see what is being executed so I will go line by line to see if my functions are being called.


This is just a small breakdown of the power of Devtools here is an article about some more functions Here.

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