DEV Community

Discussion on: Writing a blog post with VSCode

cyril profile image
Cyril Niobé

Nice tool! Thanks to share it :)

I visited your website, could you explain a bit your flow you used to update your website based on Now to create a new post on your site? I'm curious about it!


timdeschryver profile image
Tim Deschryver

Thank Cyril!

I'm using Sapper as a static site generator (you could use more popular ones like Gatbsy, Gridsome, Next, ...). When I push changes to GitHub, Now has a trigger to build the website and deploy it to their servers.

In your repo, you should have a now.json for config, and a now-build script.

You can find out more info on Now for GitHub, if you have a question, feel free to DM me.

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

+1 for now. now is great.