During the development process, you often need to run some commands in your terminal: create migrations, run tests, linters, etc. Usually, you execute these commands regularly.
pip-install-dev: | |
pip install --upgrade pip pip-tools | |
pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt | |
pip-install: | |
pip install --upgrade pip pip-tools | |
pip-sync requirements.txt | |
pip-update: | |
pip install --upgrade pip pip-tools | |
pip-compile requirements.in | |
pip-compile requirements-dev.in | |
pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt |
It's helpful to have shortcuts for such commands. And even better to share them among other developers on the project. For this goal, I use Makefile. Here is the list of useful commands for a Django project.
Installing dependencies
I'm not a big fan of Poetry. It has some problems with Dependabot and doesn't play with Renovate at all. I use pip-tools with separate requirements.in
and requirements-dev.in
for local and prod environments.
pip install --upgrade pip pip-tools
pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt
pip install --upgrade pip pip-tools
pip-sync requirements.txt
pip install --upgrade pip pip-tools
pip-compile requirements.in
pip-compile requirements-dev.in
pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt
: Installs all requirements, including local. It is the main command for installing the project's dependencies, so I put this command at the top. -
- I don't use this command often, but it could be helpful to run your code with production dependencies only. -
Updates yourrequirements.txt
after you add a new package to therequirements.in
Running the project
python manage.py migrate && python manage.py runserver
python -m celery -A project_name worker --loglevel info
python -m celery -A project_name beat --loglevel info
That is an obvious one. The commands to run local web server and Celery. Also, I like to apply new migrations automatically when I run the server.
Running linters
flake8 palyanytsya
mypy palyanytsya
python -m black palyanytsya
isort .
autoflake -r -i --remove-all-unused-imports --ignore-init-module-imports project_name
clean-lint: cleanimports black lint
python manage.py makemigrations --check --no-input --dry-run
: Runs flake8 linter and mypy type checker. -
: Automatic code formatting with Black. -
: runs isort and removes unused imports with Autoflake. Be sure to set upprofile=black
in isort settings to avoid conflicts with Black. -
: run all the stuff above. You can run this command before committing to formatting your code properly. -
: prevents you from committing model changes without migrations. Really cool stuff!
Also, I use make lint && make checkmigrations
in the CI pipeline and in the git pre-commit hook. You can also create a command for setting up such a hook:
echo "make lint && make checkmigrations" > .git/hooks/pre-commit && chmod 777 .git/hooks/pre-commit
Running tests
pytest -n 4 -x
Runs pytest in multiprocess mode using pytest-xdist.
Compiling messages
python manage.py makemessages --all --ignore=venv --extension html,py
python manage.py translate_messages -s en -l uk -l es -u
python manage.py compilemessages --ignore venv
Collects all string literals for translation. Also, I use Django Autotranslate to translate phrases using Google Translate automatically.
The end
As long as the project goes on, new local commands appear. Maybe, you need to shell into the dev server to run some python code. Or download a fresh database dump (without sensitive data) for local bug reproducing. It's better to keep this knowledge in the codebase, not in your head. Also, you won't need to explain how to do exactly the same operation to your colleagues.
For more complex tasks, you can even create a shell script and call it from Makefile. So, it would be easier to find this new command for other devs.
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