DEV Community

Discussion on: If I were to restart JavaScript again from scratch then I will follow this roadmap.

damiisdandy profile image
damilola jerugba

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this comment section is filled with people that have no idea what abstraction is.

I get it’s painful to see that you spent thousands of dollars on a degree and people only watching a $10 course and reads some dev articles is considered on the same playing fields as you… but commooonn a degree is just a sheet of paper to try and prove that you have knowledge on something, it doesn’t automatically mean you truly have knowledge on that subject πŸ™‚.

Self taught or not, even you with a degree most of your knowledge is gotten from you reading personally.

So please stop the gate keeping and reduce the toxicity. ✨🌈

johnnymccodes profile image

abstraction is when you just use typescript, right?

damiisdandy profile image
damilola jerugba

Hehehe, just went to your profile you really love typescript, and nah abstraction isn’t just typescript