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Denis Angell
Denis Angell

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XUMM PYTHON SDK: 5. Security & finishing touch 🎉

Previous: 4. Verify the results ⛑ and push 🚀

If you have made it this far, you may want to actually build something (even if it's just a hobby project) using the XUMM SDK. If you do, please VERIFY THE PAYLOAD RESULT ON the XRP LEDGER.

You can use the XRPL-PY package, or use the sdk.get_transaction(txHash) method to do this by relying on the XUMM platform to fetch the on ledger transaction outcome for you, or, for example, by using the xrpl-py package to verify 'locally'.

By using the xrpl-py package, you can connect to one of the public XRP ledger nodes and verify the transaction. To do so, add the xrpl-py package to your project by entering this in the terminal: pip3 install xrpl-py. You can then verify a transaction as per the package documentation.

Pay special attention to the balanceChanges response.
There are several reasons why you need to check. For example, a payment can yield a different result (eg. lower amount sent) than requested!

It is your responsibility to check the transaction outcome returned from the XRP ledger rather than relying on XUMM telling you that a transaction has been signed. For example if:

  • The user signed successfully in XUMM, but with a key that is no longer valid for a certain account (because multisign has been configured, an account has been rekeyed, etc.)
  • The user sent a Partial Payment (e.g., sending EUR to deliver XRP, while the owned amount of EUR was insufficient due to exchange rate slippage)
  • The user tried to trick you into accepting a testnet payment, by signing with a funded Testnet account Please take a look at this sample code implementing the xrpl-py package to verify on ledger balance changes for a signed XUMM payload.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import xumm
sdk = xumm.XummSdk()
import json
import asyncio
# pip3 install nest_asyncio
import nest_asyncio
nest_asyncio.apply() # needed to asyncio inside asyncio
# pip3 install xrpl-py
from xrpl.clients import WebsocketClient
from xrpl.transaction import (
client = WebsocketClient('wss://')
async def main():
app_info =
request = {
"txjson": {
"TransactionType": "Payment",
"Destination": "rwietsevLFg8XSmG3bEZzFein1g8RBqWDZ",
"Amount": "10000",
"user_token": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
def callback_func(event):
print('New payload event: {}'.format(event['data']))
if 'signed' in event['data']:
return event['data']
subscription = await sdk.payload.create_and_subscribe(
print('New payload created, URL: {}'.format(
print(' > Pushed: {}'.format('yes' if subscription.created.pushed else 'no'))
resolve_data = await subscription.resolved()
if resolve_data['signed'] == False:
print('The sign request was rejected :(')
print('Woohoo! The sign request was signed :)')
Let's fetch the full payload end result, and get the issued
user token, we can use to send our next payload per Push notification
result = sdk.payload.get(resolve_data['payload_uuidv4'])
with client as w3:
tx = get_transaction_from_hash(result.response.txid, w3) # will fail without nested asyncio
print('DELIVERED AMOUNT: {}'.format(
print('RESULT: {}'.format(
print('VALIDATED: {}'.format(
)) # Better syntax does the same.
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That's it! You made it 🎉

Thank you for reading this tutorial! We hope you had fun! If you have questions, suggestions, something to share: our contact details are available at :)

Resources 📚

If you want to learn more about the XUMM SDK PY, platform, documentation, etc., make sure to check out:

The XUMM SDK (PY) readme
The XUMM SDK (PY) source code
The XUMM API documentation & API reference
XUMM (end user) support docs
In case of questions:
Thank you XRP Community!

... For checking, correcting & testing the SDK & tutorial!
@technotip, @calvincs, @wenusch, @alloyxrp, @rippleitinnz, @Ubbah, @enclavia, @WormholeMech, @Chicles_, @3N0RYM, @XrpSpark, @devnullinator, @Vetjes, @kevinking64, @Kujistudios, @nodehash, @4thMadHatter, @Vkumzy, @CarpeDiemXRP, @Hex539, @xrplosion1, @chemical_realm, @RossMacFirdeen

Retry later

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