DEV Community

Sean Ye
Sean Ye

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How To Make A Simple Hero Banner In React Native

Today I would like to write a short tutorial on how to make a React Native hero banner that has a linear gradient layer.

Step 1, Make a banner image using FullWidthImage

  • Create a project using codesandbox's react-native-web template, remove the unused components
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Image, StyleSheet, View } from "react-native";

const logoUri =

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
          accessibilityLabel="React logo"
          source={{ uri: logoUri }}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  heroHeaderImage: {
    height: 80

export default App;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Problem

  • we can only resize the image's width by controlling its height


  • Use FullWidthImage instead Image

FullWidthImage is a package that allows a responsive Image element that takes the full width of its parent element while maintaining aspect ratio.

It has a neat built-in feature called automatic detection, which can automatically detect the aspect ratio of remote images, all you need to provide is the uri as you would do with the regular Image component.

Which is what we are going to use.

Just like that, we have a hero banner.

Step 2, Add and Position HeroHeaderText

  • Wrap the heroHeaderText components with heroHeaderContainer in order to position both components simultaneously
  • heroContainer will have position: relative, this will allow any children components that have a position: absolute to use heroContainer as a reference point, in this case, we are adding position: absolute to the heroHeaderContainer, (note: even though we do not need to add position: relative to work, but if there are parent elements of

Step 3, Add Linear Gradient

  • To make the heroHeaderText more visible, one common practice is to add a linear gradient to the background image, the React Native approach of adding the linear gradient is different than how you would on the web we are using react-native-web-linear-gradient because we are using the react-native-web template on codesandbox, for react-native apps, please use react-native-linear-gradient
  • Use position: absolute and zIndex to position the linear gradient on top of the Hero Banner image

Step 4, Add A heroSubheader

  • To add more "flare" to our awesome hero banner, we will add a hero subheader using the Button component from react-native


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