It is another birthday of mine – and I am incredibly happy to be alive. I have made it a practice now to have a reflection on every birthday I have and share some of those reflections with you.
The things I am grateful for
I am grateful for God – yes. He is the source of everything I am and all I do. All I do is to promote his goodness and bring others to the light of salvation through Jesus Christ.
One of my daughter’s rhyme songs goes this way.
I’m thankful for my family
I’m thankful for my friends
I’m thankful for the things I have,
The Thank You’s never end
What are you thankful for?
What are you thankful for?
What are you thankful for?
And I must say it’s one of my favourite songs. Family is everything for me. They are the point of support when things are going well and when everything else fails. I’m especially thankful for my wife (awesome as always) and daughter (she is a great gift from God) – they are my constant source of joy and inspiration.
My favourite song about friend is by Dionne Warwick and Friend – That’s what friends are for. Having friends, you can always count on is a rare blessing. More importantly having friends that push you to always be a better version of yourself is a priceless gift.
Reflection towards a major milestone
Let’s get reflecting, shall we?
- One of major lessons I learnt during the last 365 days was that if I want something, I should just go for it. If I can’t do it immediately, I should make achievable plans towards achieving it.
- I am responsible for taking care of my mental and emotional health – I should not let anything affect it.
- I should pace myself to avoid burnout – Doing too much can be a recipe for breakdown.
- Spend time with those who love and value you.
- The hours in the day are finite – calibrate your actions and tasks to fit.
The next 365
In this new year, the plan is to be more intentional about achieving my long-term goals – taking daily actions to achieve them.
No negativities – just good vibes.
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