This article includes : Traditional File Systems, Database , Database Model , Database Users.
In last post 👈, we have gone through the #data as well as #databases , too. Let's recall the database , A database is a collection of related data in simpler terms.
Database is used by an organisation as an electronic way to store, manage and retrieve information ℹ️. It is a structured set of data ; which is structured in a certain way to scale up the organisation that has a massive quantity of data.
But the precursor to this something called File Processing System 📁. Now , let's see what the file system is?
In this file system, each file is independent of other file and data in the different files can be integrated only by writing an individual program for each application. The data and application program that uses the data are arranged so that any change to data requires modification of all the programs that use the data. Sometimes, it is not possible to identify all the programs using data and identify on a trial and error basis. All functional areas in the organisation create, processes its own files.
Let's understand the file system, taking reference of above image🖼️. Here , we have #nerd ; just like you , naming noobie. Now noobie wants to fetch some setup files of #GTA_V. But , here is the catch ;in the file system setup all installation, client folder and windows path folder all these folders are stored independently. How will they work if they have no relationship? I don’t blame you ; I know this example might sound pretty knotty/complicated.
Ok , no issues. We have another example ; again noobie ! Noobie studies in school. Every school has three sections: Library , Exams , Standard. If we assume this in the sense of a file system ; here the library has no relationship with exams. Librarian does not know about the particular book for particular exams of that specific standard. Because , they don't have any interleaved relationships.
Data independence is a much bigger problem. Let's see how our #Database solves this problem.
We have defined database earlier , now let us see what is what is database approach to this example. Image is self-explanatory ; database models creates certain relationship between set of data. In terms of this example, it creates relationship between Library-Exam-Standard. Cool ! More the relations between this department , if they coordinate properly among them ; less chaos for noobie , right.
Here , we are clear about how Databases and Traditional File System. Let's list some of the features of Database.
Persistence – permanent data stored.
Validity – validation of field.
Consistency – the value of data is the same at all place.
Non-redundancy – no multiple copies.
Concurrency – multiple users can share a file at same time.
This is the flow in Database Management. Don't we will talk about #DBMS as well #SQL too. DBMS is Database Management Software. A database management system (DBMS) is a computerized system that enables users to create and maintain a database. The DBMS is a general-purpose software system that facilitates the processes of defining, constructing, manipulating, and sharing databases among various users and applications.
Sql ,the name SQL is presently expanded as Structured Query Language. SQL is unified standard language for commercial relational DBMSs. All the RDBMS like MySQL, Informix, Oracle, MS Access and SQL Server use SQL as their standard database language.
Now , HOW?
How does the database forms relationship between data-sets.
Using Models. What on earth ! I just got to know about databases a sec earlier. Simply , models are the set of rules which defines how the logical structure of a database is modelled.
There are several types of #models out there , I'll list some of the important models below down👇!
#Object_Oriented **
In our Course 📜, we are mainly going to focus on Relational Model.
Now , let's learn about the types of Users.
DBA🧑💻- DataBase Administrators
The DBA is responsible for authorizing access
to the database, coordinating and monitoring its use, and acquiring software and hardware resources as needed. The DBA is accountable for problems such as security breaches and poor system response time.
Oracle , GCP , Azure , and almost every company hires for this role.
DBD 🧑🎨- DataBase Designers
Database designers are responsible for identifying the data to be stored in the database and for choosing appropriate structures to represent and store this data.
End Users 👤
End users are the people whose jobs require access to the database for querying,
updating, and generating reports; the database primarily exists for their use.
So this was it for this article. See you all in a while !!
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