After choosing Go for a port of TypeScript's compiler, Microsoft's developers soon found themselves explaining why on GitHub, Reddit, YouTube, and Hacker News.
Anders Hejlsberg, creator of both TypeScript and C#, said Go was "the lowest-level language we can get to that gives us full, optimized, native-code support on all platforms, great control over data layout, the ability to have cyclic data structures and so forth. It gives you automatic memory management with a garbage collector and great access to concurrency." And TypeScript development lead Ryan Cavanaugh acknowledged that Rust "succeeds wildly at its design goals, but 'is straightforward to port to Rust from this particular JavaScript codebase' is very rationally not one of its design goals...."
All their comments led to an irrefutable comeback when someone on Reddit suggested C# "has almost all you need" for rewriting TypeScript code.
"Well you can tell that to the guy who created Typescript and C#, but he disagrees with you."
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